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  • Strava Personal Records – I don't get how they work!
  • the-muffin-man
    Full Member

    I’ve just done a very steady 6k tonight after a few weeks off running, and it’s showing a personal record for 5k of just over 29 minutes – I know for a fact I’ve done 5k in less than 24 minutes on the same 6k run.

    So how do personal records work on Strava, as I can’t figure it out – they just feel completely random!

    Free Member

    Strava knows you have been faster, but it’s trying to give you a bit of encouragement. A bit like when ladies say ‘Oooh, that’s a big one!’

    Full Member

    Was the sub24 recorded on strava ?

    Full Member

    Was the sub24 recorded on strava ?


    Full Member

    Is it exactly the same run on the map? I have it occasionally where it gets a bit off tangent, especially on the iPhone. Just done the exact same ride as last night and its recorded an extra 500ft of elevation change.

    There’s a KOM on road by me I was trying to get last summer, eventually nailed it after weeks of trying but it didn’t show as it had jumped me to a parallel road for some reason. Go figure! If you check the 2 routes on the map there might be a slight variation causing it.

    Free Member

    was the 24min flaged as the PR at the time or did you just spot that youd done it?

    Full Member

    was the 24min flaged as the PR at the time or did you just spot that youd done it?

    Can’t remember – I know I have done this run 6.2k run in 32.25 before, and tonights run was 36.58!

    Free Member

    Well if strava missed it last time then this latest run WILL be the fastest strava has noticed. Obvious eh 😆

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