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  • Staying motivated…
  • beckykirk43
    Free Member

    Anyone that’s been here for a while will know I had a crash last year and I’ve been a bit broken ever since.

    I had surgery (again) at the end of September to try and stop my on going arm pain. Not long after this I got back on the turbo – I was did 2 sessions a week (with Sufferfest) for quite a few weeks, it has since transpired that the surgery hasn’t solved the problem, and there may not be a fix.

    Before this surgery I could just about get out on the road bike with the aid of tri bars to take the pressure off in the right place, I have tried this a couple of times since but struggled, and the cold air didn’t agree with my lungs so I don’t want to try again too soon! Without much prospect of getting back riding any time soon (especially off road which I really do miss!), I haven’t been on the turbo for a while now, and just can’t bring myself to do it…

    I would like to be fit should the time come to get back on the bike, and even in the mean time I quite like the justification for cake!

    So, how do you stay motivated for regular turboing?

    Free Member

    Give up, sell the turbo, go stare at pretty girls in a spinning class*. For the cost of a half decent turbo you could get 6 months gym membership, 3x spinning classes a week and you’ll be fit as a buchers dog, then take up swimming once the arms better.

    *not all classes are created equal, some are rubbish. As a guide, if you aren’t fighing back the vomit, it’s too easy, if the bike has a freewheeel it’s too easy, and if the instructor makes you lean over/shake the bars then they’re doing it wrong.

    Either that or take up running?

    Free Member

    I don’t have any motivation problems – due to issues with both my road bikes, all I’ve done is ride on the rollers for the last 5 weeks, up to just over 2 hours at a time for between 8 and 16 hours a week. I’m following a training plan for racing so maybe that helps.

    Rollers are much more interesting than a turbo so might be worth looking into some? Can you run for cross training instead? Weights in the gym will keep your legs strong too.

    Full Member

    go stare at pretty girls in a spinning class

    Maybe you’re making assumptions about Ms Kirk that may not be valid?

    All I can suggest is getting routine where you just get on the turbo. Whether it’s straight out of bed onto the bike or for half an hour before tea. Having a routine will mean you don;t have to convince yourself every time because it’ll just be part of your day.

    Free Member

    Get a dog or take a mates for a walk. I’m still not quite right & building up strength & instead of battering myself on short crap rides so go for long walks checking out new trails

    Free Member

    Maybe you’re making assumptions about Ms Kirk that may not be valid?

    Go stare at ugly middle aged blokes with beer bellies then 😛 I was making an assumtion based on the STW demographic without actualy reading the OP’s username.

    Either way I found spinning classes far easier to stick to than the equivelent turbo time. If you want a long session just pick days when theres 2 back to back.

    Full Member

    Becky – I can’t believe that you’re still not fixed, what is the latest?

    I’ve nothing to suggest re using a turbo but have you thought about the subject of mindfulness? Bushwacked from this parish has used it to cope with his long-term illness.

    I’ve had health issues for 3.5 years now and, believe me, I’ve often thought about stopping for good. Mentally it’s extremely hard as there’s no timescale, you don’t go from ill to well, you can plateau etc etc.

    Would echo comments re spinning classes if this is something you would be able to do.

    Hang in there!

    Free Member

    Spinning class. Training alone is hard.

    Free Member

    Maybe it’d help it you set some goals that are active but away from cycling, a running training plan for example (google 5k training plans, there are loads of them). I’m assuming your are doesn’t hurt too mush running!! Do you have a Park Run near you that you can do on Saturday mornings – the one I go to (Newbury) is great fun with really nice people with vastely different abilities.

    Free Member

    Go stare at ugly middle aged blokes with beer bellies then 😛

    That’s more like it, exactly what I need to get me going!

    Rollers are much more interesting than a turbo so might be worth looking into some?

    Unfortunately I think rollers will give me the same issues as riding, can do the turbo as I only need 1 arm for that!

    Get a dog or take a mates for a walk. I’m still not quite right & building up strength & instead of battering myself on short crap rides so go for long walks checking out new trails

    I’ve spent many hours doing that over the course of being broken! 🙂

    Becky – I can’t believe that you’re still not fixed, what is the latest?

    I know, me neither! My latest consultant is at a bit of loss, getting some “proper” physio at the moment (my NHS referral got lost apparently…) and just waiting to see him again. We know lots of things that it isn’t, hopefully something will become apparent between now and the end of January that means they can sort it out!

    I shall have a look into spinning classes me thinks, and *maybe* try running again, I have done just over 40km this year! (not much I know, but more than I’ve done any other year!)

    Free Member

    I’m in the middle of trying to get fitter and due to having an hour and a half to kill between dropping my wife at work and starting work myself, the gym has been the best option during the week, so i’ve been going to spin classes and using a spin bike on my own and it can get dull and difficult to motivate yourself.

    I’ve found a few tactics to try and make things more interesting:

    1- Listening to a varied but up-tempo playlist and cycling to the tempo of the music (this is fine until you get to an 8 minute plus Metallica track).
    2- if you are doing a low HR slow long ride, trying out on a film that you have been meaning to watch and making sure that you don’t stop til it’s finished.
    3- Set yourself goals and rewards, for me i was after a tablet PC (mostly to put films on and for Sufferfest vids) and said if i lose X amount of weight i’ll treat myself.
    4- See if there are any turbo groups in your area, we have friday night Sufferfest mass turbo nights via club.
    5- Stick £5 in jar for each turbo session you do and use it for a cycling or sporty holiday next year when weather here is rubbish

    Free Member

    I hate turbos. I run. Plenty other exercises also.

    Free Member

    I can sympathise. Love my running but have been broken for over two years now, still not sorted.

    I turbo quite a bit due to time constraints mostly. What works for me is:
    – to have it permanently set up and ready to go, so no faffing getting trainer and bike form the shed. Make it as easy as possible to just jump on and go.
    – have some entertainment to keep your mind busy. I have mine setup in front of a pc so watch stuff from iplayer etc
    – have a training plan and vary up the rides. Do lots of mixed up intervals to help pass the time. Can be a bit tricky if you don’t have an actual goal in mind.

    Started using trainerroad.com recently. Been very good so far with lots of built in interval sessions and training plans. Also includes the sufferfest workouts. You can watch some iplayer stuff and just follow a workout program in a bar at the bottom of the screen and some instructions that pop up from time to time, it really is very good. Has given me more enthusiasm to turbo.

    Other than that, mix up the training. Maybe think about some running races? Could do some cross country if you feel the need to get muddy! Can you go swimming with the arm?

    Edit: … now staying motivated for physio exercises… there’s a real problem 🙁

    Full Member

    go find your nearest Parkrun and start going every saturday morning. Lots of friendly people taking part at the different ones i’ve been to and all sorts of different levels taking part so good for new(ish) runners of any pace

    Free Member

    5- Stick £5 in jar for each turbo session you do and use it for a cycling or sporty holiday next year when weather here is rubbish

    Might have to make it £1 (i’m poor!) but I like that!

    Plenty other exercises also.

    Yes…I have been trying to think of a new hobby!

    have a training plan and vary up the rides. Do lots of mixed up intervals to help pass the time. Can be a bit tricky if you don’t have an actual goal in mind.

    This is the big issue, I was just doing OK when I thought I’d be back on the bike relatively soon so was “training” for that!

    now staying motivated for physio exercises… there’s a real problem

    I know that feeling! I have been bribing myself with food rewards to take my mind of the pain!

    go find your nearest Parkrun and start going every saturday morning.

    It would appear there is one close by, but alas…I work most weekends (and only weekends…)

    Free Member

    Sweet, as a result the dogs super fit and can’t bloody keep up

    Free Member

    as a result the dogs super fit and can’t bloody keep up

    Poor dog is a lot less keen to go outside in this weather – he thinks I’m mad!

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