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  • Stag-do rules?
  • JEngledow
    Free Member

    Hi, I’m planning my mates stag do and was thinking about implementing a few ‘rules’ for the evening. I thinking no use of his name and drinks to be held in right hand for first 30 mins of hour and left for second etc. Please can you suggest any others that are worth doing also what is a reasonable penalty for breaking a ‘rule’?


    Free Member

    You can’t call anyone by their first name for the first hour, penalty is one must down their drink. If your objective is to get very,very drunk (as im assuming you are as your on a stag) that does the trick.

    Free Member

    Both of those rules sound stoopid sorry – why not just bang everyone on a plane to Rigo and get loose with some AK’s and local mobsters?

    Free Member

    Swearing – consume a finger
    Pointing – consume a finger
    No EG – down your next drink.

    Reasonable penalties are best done with fingers, as always.

    Also depending on the location playing sniper is fun.

    Free Member

    Oh and of course, spillage is lickage.

    Free Member

    Reasonable penalties are best done with fingers, as always.

    true. just more fingers! 🙂

    Full Member

    “no EG”??

    Full Member

    What goes on tour, stays on tour.

    No evidence.

    Free Member

    The first rule of stag do club is not to talk about stag do club.

    Free Member

    If a rule is broken then enforce straight arm drinking, that’s always fun to watch.

    Free Member

    There were a group drinking in the pub at Stanstead Airport at 0600 the other day But they appeared to be taking photographs – surely this is breaking the only real rule of stag dis – no evidence??


    Free Member

    EG – empty glass. Once you’ve finished your drink, you have to tap it on your chest before putting it down.

    Straight arm drinking +1.

    Full Member

    I have a theory that the “what goes on tour stays on tour” mantra is mostly employed by people who want to appear far more interesting that they actually are.

    When asked, “ah, sworn to secrecy, sorry” sounds a lot better than “well, we drank ourselves silly every night, exactly like a Saturday night in town back at home, only the weather was nicer and the ale was cheaper.”

    Free Member

    A bit of pub golf to get the weekend going with the usual penalties?

    Free Member

    There were a group drinking in the pub at Stanstead Airport at 0600 the other day But they appeared to be taking photographs – surely this is breaking the only real rule of stag dis – no evidence??


    Dunno, guess it depends if the stag and others plan to be a bunch of cheating “£$%s. I can see no reason, otherwise, not to collect memories of the carnage that goes on.

    Free Member

    I have a theory that the “what goes on tour stays on tour” mantra is mostly employed by people who want to appear far more interesting that they actually are.


    Free Member

    what I’ve seen, the only rule seems to be get the groom naked and tied up to something at some point in the evening.

    a round of soggy biscuit? it’s what you do isn’t it?

    Free Member

    No saying of the D word – consume
    No saying of the M word (mine) – forfeit, we had 10pressups
    Time master – drink with right hand for x:00-x:29 and left hand for x:30-x59. Penalties for incorrect hand
    Thumb master
    Dance master
    Get some object like playin cards to stick to your head etc and last one to produce drinks

    International drinking rules apply at all times!!

    Free Member

    The only International Drinking Rule that seems to be truly International is that no one can ever agree on what the International Drinking Rules are.

    Full Member

    stag can not go to the toilet, with out asking some one 1st, at which point person flips a coin – if stag guesses it right he can go. If he guesses wrong he has to wait 10mins before asking again….

    Free Member

    a round of soggy biscuit?

    Traditionally, it’s not “round”, it’s rectangular….er….apparently


    Free Member

    Fuzzy duck?

    Then a bout of tag-team-drinking.

    Free Member

    Dare I ask what ‘tag-team-drinking’ is? 😕

    Free Member

    <irresponsible content>

    Assemble the lads into x no of teams of two. Each team buys 10 bottles of beer. Must be same brand, %age and volume in each bottle, ie ten bottles of Becks and line them up.

    On the count, the first contender from each team begins drinking. Once that person can’t drink anymore (usually 2nd to 3rd bottle) they place the bottle back in the line and their team mate begins to drink.


    Watch everyones face as they are on bottle 9 and all they can muster is a sip and their team mate wishing they could drink more!

    Free Member

    Never leave your wingman.

    Free Member

    *regards Stoner in a whole different way*

    Shocked!! 😆

    Free Member

    After the last stag do with my mates I think the rule is to go somewhere interesting and actually complete a real challenge.

    Full Member

    Flip a coin,call it; get it right pass it on. get it wrong two fingers or gamble with another flip of the coin…wrong? 4 fingers, get it correct pass the forfeit on to next person, who can flip…for 6 fingers…starts to get really personal.

    Free Member

    Flip a coin,call it; get it right pass it on. get it wrong two fingers or gamble with another flip of the coin…wrong? 4 fingers, get it correct pass the forfeit on to next person, who can flip…for 6 fingers…starts to get really personal.

    Very pleased I know what ‘fingers’ mean 😯

    Full Member

    no pointing (can only use elbows to point) – 2 fingers
    the thumb game is always good – Best man puts his thumb on the table at some point towards the start of the night, last person to join in with the thumb place on table has to down drink (but becomes the owner of the thumb and can start the next game), gets very interesting when people go to the loo.

    Free Member

    What’s soggy biscuit? I don’t really get stag do stuff tbh…..I went to watch Steve Reich in concert at the RNCM last year for mine with my best man-top night!

    Free Member

    don’t try & be clever, keep it simple

    no camera’s = the only rule

    Free Member

    What’s soggy biscuit? I don’t really get stag do stuff tbh…..I went to watch Steve Reich in concert at the RNCM last year for mine with my best man-top night!

    LOL, I think you’re in the wrong place.

    Full Member

    What’s soggy biscuit?

    no way of explaining that one subtly – link to wiki….

    Free Member

    Sweet Jebus!! Why?!!

    Full Member

    I love getting smashed but generally think drinking games are lame. However here’s my contribution being as I was on a stag last weekend.

    The Best Man had arranged for everyone to have their own personalised beer mat (presumably easy to do if you google it).

    The rule was that all drinks had to be on the beer mat at all times unless in your hand. If it was on the table, but off the beer mat then punishment ensued. Punishment= a shot of some sort, though often these were more like three shots in one due to the spanish generosity with pouring shots. Obviously this neccesitates having your beer mat on you at all times.

    Seemed to work pretty good, got everyone pretty leathered and obviously there’s always a few who forget their beer mats for breakfast the next morning and end up downing tequila at 10am etc.

    Free Member

    Jesus Christ Tom, I’d heard of the dreaded soggy biscuit game in primary school, could be worse when there is to many of you it turns to soggy sarnie.

    Free Member

    Just play, EDWARD FORTYHANDS !!!!!

    Full Member

    One rule used on a couple of do’s I went on in my distant past was the stag do book, an a5 hardback book and every woman you met, bumped into, etc had to write something in the book for the groom, works quite well, but remember to either destroy it or hide it well at the end of the do

    Free Member

    I hate that sort of thing. Reminds me too much of rugger buggers at uni to me. What’s wrong with having a great time with a bunch of mates. If you need rules to make it fun, you’re not doing it right.

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