Brilliant.. geared riders moaning about stalled wannabe-SSers, SSers going on about momentum ruined by gear-crunching biffers.. SSers being wellard and suggesting they always rocket upwards, whistling as they go like monkey on his pink cloud.. mentions of butcher’s bike technology..
I should’ve written a bingo-card of predictions before opening this one, would’ve made my tea break )
My teas breaks are quite dull, I know. What can I say, I work in a garage and today’s ‘exciting break’ was an hour on a turbo.. and my perma-turbo-bike has 3 more gears than my MTB usually has. %-*@ing livid about it I am.. and $(@~~~in’ turbo training when I ride a SS. What the f3%& is that C*77(0@ all about? C04k-%h0t b0110k5.