I thought the warehouse was where they sold off the returns.
Could be wrong, but how else will they get rid of them?
Should be dispatched pretty quick, but would make sense to allow 2-3 weeks before chasing.
I’ve spent £1000s on SportPursuit btw. (2nd edit! And only had 2 things not turn up/cancelled)
As I understand it they’re drop shippers, they bulk buy end of line stock from whoever. It’ll be last years leftovers, usually the very small or very large.
The take an option on a pile of stuff, then ‘sell’ it – get the cash in and then buy it from their suppliers, I assume there’s an element of gabling on their part on price fluctuations.
I have to admit I saw a 661 FF last year for £20 or so (the only benefit of having a massive head) and dived in without reading too much into it, it arrived weeks later, but it did arrive – less than 24 hours before I was set to leave for the Alps. They do make it all clear on their site, I just didn’t read it.
I’m not sure much stuff gets sold as a ‘return’ these days, it’s either returned is saleable quality and goes back into stock or it’s unsellable because it’s defective.