I used to work for an international charity and went to a few 3rd world hell holes to see where the money was spent and how it was spent. The biggest difference to the lives of these people was made by giving women IUD's and implants so they could stop having children, or have them when they wanted them. We gave out free condoms, but blokes would not wear them. Shockingly many of the governments were against contraception but wouldnt / couldnt cope with the population growing or the mothers who died in childbirth or the abandoned unwanted kids. We were constantly harassed by religious nutters. FFS, some of them have a lot to answer for especially when it comes to AIDS and unwanted children or botched abortions.
I met many governments, NGO's, wealthy donors etc, some gave to make them feel good, some gave to do some good. We took it all and tried to do what we thought was good.
In the end some of the money made some of the victims better off.
Until you have stood ankle deep in human sh*t and seen people living their whole lives in slums with no hope of surviving older than 40, its hard to put it in perspective. All we have to worry about is what tyre for……………..