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  • sport relief.. my annual rant!
  • barnsleymitch
    Free Member

    "Sad how some people on this forum resort to abusing people who's opinion they don't agree with!"
    Sad, and menstruating, apparently. I stick by everything I've said. Yes, the governments are corrupt, no, the aid / money doesn't always get to its intended recipients, and yes, I'll freely admit that the sight of kids dying breaks my heart, in spite of the apparant fact that I'm being manipulated by the media. Like several people that have posted on here, I also give regular amounts to unicef, etc, but that doesnt stop me from donating to the big televised charities as well.

    Free Member

    my donation for sport relief was a new strain of h.i.v virus but unfortunately
    they turned me down.

    Free Member

    Well rob, seeing as your profile states your interests as "biking, making money, girls, fast cars", that sounds about right for you. Well done sir, you must be very proud of yourself.

    Free Member

    i'm torn….

    i'll agree with the OP, but i can see where PMTmitch is coming from. the role of government is to look after its populace. when the 'west' come storming in and provide £'X'm in aid it reduces the responsibility of the government to do its job.

    by providing services that the governments should be providing you exacerbate the problem and make a on-going rod for your own back.

    agree with the poster (name forgotten) about giving to local charities. start on your own doorstep and once those problems have been sorted or overcome, then look further afield.

    Free Member

    I once got compared to hitler on this site. I was acused of genocide etc.

    Got to admit that every time i watch these programmes i dont see kids in poverty or dying. All i see is parents having kids they shoudnt be having. Untill you sort that problem you are indeed peeing in the wind. It could be said that you are making so little difference to the actual problem that you are prolonging it by you rather pathetic gestures. £29m wont even touch the surface of these problems and we have already seen that £29m is a drop in the ocean compared to the money being wasted at the moment.

    I accuse all those of donating of prolonging suffering and trying to make themselves feel better with their small gestures

    Free Member

    I accuse you of being a small minded self serving little bore.

    Full Member

    Some of the points above are interesting. I do agree with TheLittlestHobo that there seems to be large amounts of 'unwanted children' being born in many countries (including our own).

    However I did put my hand in my pocket and would do so again.

    Still can't believe what Eddie Izzard did though, it really was amazing.

    Free Member

    You dont back that up with much though do you Ian. How about disputing what i said

    Free Member

    I used to work for an international charity and went to a few 3rd world hell holes to see where the money was spent and how it was spent. The biggest difference to the lives of these people was made by giving women IUD's and implants so they could stop having children, or have them when they wanted them. We gave out free condoms, but blokes would not wear them. Shockingly many of the governments were against contraception but wouldnt / couldnt cope with the population growing or the mothers who died in childbirth or the abandoned unwanted kids. We were constantly harassed by religious nutters. FFS, some of them have a lot to answer for especially when it comes to AIDS and unwanted children or botched abortions.

    I met many governments, NGO's, wealthy donors etc, some gave to make them feel good, some gave to do some good. We took it all and tried to do what we thought was good.

    In the end some of the money made some of the victims better off.

    Until you have stood ankle deep in human sh*t and seen people living their whole lives in slums with no hope of surviving older than 40, its hard to put it in perspective. All we have to worry about is what tyre for……………..

    Free Member

    Now thats a worthy cause. Every single penny in birth control.

    Free Member

    I once read something by Mark Thomas (I think) who said that if the richest people in the world just paid their taxes properly ie not in the Netherlands (I'm looking at you Bono) or some other convenient tax haven then there would be no need for charity appeals. Not sure whether that's true or not but I reckon there's something in it

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