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  • Speeding penalty
  • hora
    Free Member

    I'm hoping to go over next year. Leave the car on this side and go as a footpassenger/camp.

    Free Member

    I see your weasel and raise you a pine marten

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    Free Member

    This is the funniest post ever…

    Mboy – you're a legend! Nice one geeza!

    Free Member

    The trouble in some cases is that everybody but the person who set the speed limit's appropriate is the person who set the speed limit's too fast


    Speed limits have been coming down all over the place for years. I am guessing this is because people can't judge for themselves. The village I used to go to school in used to be NSL – through a tight chicane over the crest of a hill, past a housing estate (with plenty of kids) and school, so loads of kids around. People used to go through it at 60mph – including me aged 18. Now it's a 30mph.

    Free Member

    glasgowdan – are you still selling eggs?

    Free Member

    Speed limits have been coming down all over the place for years.

    Yes, in some cases for good reason, in a lot of cases not for good reason. The trouble with inappropriate speed limits is that they discredit the whole speed limit system, resulting in people speeding where the limit is important, like in towns. I'm certainly not advocating speeding in (appropriate) 30 limits, but I can think of some which aren't at all necessary – people get used to this sort of crying wolf and then go on to speed through 30 limits through a tight chicane over the crest of a hill, past a housing estate (with plenty of kids) and school, where they really shouldn't be. It doesn't really help if the person setting the limit is no better at judging than the idiot drivers who need their hand holding.

    BTW the point a lot of people seem to be missing about the OP is that she's going to court anyway with 9 points already on her licence – you don't get the option to take the fixed penalty in that case.

    Free Member

    The other point everyone seems to be missing is that this was generated by a conversation where someone said there was a time limit – I wasn't sure so posted up even though my wife was ready to take the points.

    Since posting this my wife has had it confirmed that it was issued correctly so this is purely academic now.

    She has also had her disciplinary and she isn't losing her job but you could say you lot have "had your blood"

    I'm not bothered by any of your negative comments but, knowing what we have been through as a family and how damn hard my wife is trying to beat her way out of financial and personal depression after the events of the 2010, I am surprised that so many of you are quick to jump to conclusions and want to hang her for her crimes. But this is STW so actually I'm not that surprised – but I bet if it was you in these shoes then I am certain you would be doing the same as her and be going to court to face the music and standing proud.

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