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  • Specific Exercise regime request
  • caledonia
    Free Member

    Please bear with me, as this may sound very random….

    Either on a forum (Iíve been on this one most of last year) or on the radio (Radio1 most likely) towards the end of the year there was a discussion about fitness regimes.

    One person piped up and said he was keeping in trim by following an old British Armed forces daily workout – circa 2nd world war.

    Benefits of this were: relatively low impact, improved core muscles, wasn’t a gargantuan effort, and was being touted as one of the next big ‘Fad’ regimes.

    By any chance does this ring a bell with anyone? 💡
    I have spent most of today trying all kinds of google searches but can’t seem to track it.
    The reason for the radio/forum issue is these pastimes are usually combined in my world when the wife is watching celeb tv !

    Many thanks,


    Free Member

    I seem to remember there was one around a few years ago (I had the book!), but there’s one listed in tomorrow’s Guardian.


    Free Member

    MoD website has it.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I saw that one, but it seemed to be a much more involved programme.
    I seem to remember the one in question as being a fairly straigh forward one for doing in the house ?

    Free Member

    When it was shown on BBC Breakfast it lookes do-able. I’ll be giving it a go very soon hopefully. Should be fun 😉

    Free Member

    That looks like the fella.

    Are you transposing it out from the site into a calendar setup rather than having to log on every week to see what you need to be up to ?

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