This reminds me,
I went to a cybersecurity conference a year or two back. After the event, dozens of hackers decamped to the local Foodcourtia.
They took advantage of the venue’s abject lack of attention to security, “molested” is probably as good a description as any. TV screens were pwned (not with Bombers) and so on and so forth and things of this nature.
Behind me, there was a young lad serving a young lass at a food counter. She was pretty, well endowed, and he was very clearly quite smitten. My mate’s boss sat across from me on our table goes, “watch this.” Tappity tappity on his laptop, the printer behind the till fires up, the lad looks puzzled, goes to retrieve the printout, turns the colour of a stop light and runs off into the back.
We were like “WTF did you just do?” He nonchalantly turns his laptop round to show the message he’d just dumped to the printer, “stop looking at her tits.”