* warning rant content *
sorry, i mean no disrespect, I also don’t drive a 4×4 or ride a motorbike but its this sort of "look at this damage" nonsense that I genuinely cannot abide, we all share this planet and in my opinion no single group or groups should have greater or lesser access rights, the motor vehicle users now only have access to less that ONE PERCENT of our extensive rights of way networks and this causes those ONE PERCENT of RoW’s to become churned up, if access was greater then there would be less concentration on the very few routes legally allowed. And then there’s the law, if you see anyone causing willful damage to ANYTHING you should report it to the police, get a crime number and follow it up. I do agree that Trailbikes make a noise but so bloody what, the countryside should be open to EVERYONE not just a select few. Share.
Also this planet has a covering of dirt thats moved around for slightly more than a couple of months, it can be found in all sorts of different states, dry, wet and various other forms in the middle especially during the WINTER MONTHS.
FFS live and let live, so its a bit of mud ride through it or around it, if you don’t like that stick to the surfaced roads, if its a designated cyclepath then I would imagine motor access would be prohibited, that would be a matter for the Police, where as the first image looks more a matter of drainage, get in touch with your local RoW Warden and they will stick a TRO on those lanes and no doubt carry out a process of GRADING and they’ll try and improve the surface by adding a substrate that drains better and packs down rather than churns up.
Unless its the Ridgeway, then they will manufacture "traps" for motor vehicles by softening sections where motor vehicle access could be a possibility to prevent access by joe public’s ordinary vehicles whilst still keeping then passable (with care) by specialized vehicles (agricultural/4wd). I know because I was there, I saw it happen, I talked to the guys doing it. And I’ve also see the images of the softened sections used by haughty & exclusivist pressure groups in the media to illustrate the "off road menace".
sorry about all that, it pisses me off everytime, its the countryside FFS not a bloody park!
no offense intended!!