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  • So, who's going to be the new Labour leader?
  • big_n_daft
    Free Member

    If Burnham gets it, bearing in mind he came 4th last time, he’ll not last 5 years, probably two at most as he can’t seem to survive a serious interview.

    Probably buying time for the other Miliband to return, gain a seat and work the party to get elected leader.

    Could even be the real plan hence why he’s being talked up as a front-runner

    Free Member

    Rule number one of left-wingery: it is always, somehow, Tony Blair’s fault.


    Free Member

    …and pick a socialist!

    Free Member

    How about this working class chap called Tristram Hunt as the next Labour leader … he seems to be a very determine person. 😛

    rogerthecat – Member

    …and pick a socialist!

    With or without champagne?

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member

    Talking of Croydon (I recall it came up a few days ago) what happened there?

    Well George Osborne said that they needed to win Croydon Central to form a government and they beat Labour by 165 votes.

    The Greens got 1,454 votes. If Labour hadn’t spent years pissing off people like me they would have won the seat (I live in neighbouring Croydon South). Labour certainly didn’t lose because their candidate was too left wing – take note Junkyard.

    Of course some people will say that the real losers are the people of Croydon but frankly there isn’t sufficient differences between Labour and the Tories, as Ed Balls kept reminding us, to make voting Labour worthwhile. Croydon Council flips from Tory to Labour regularly and Labour are perfectly happy to implement Tory policies. Although they will give motorists a bit of a hard time because they think it makes them look left-wing.

    As someone who worked hard over many years to help turn Croydon Central from a save Tory seat a Labour seat it gives me no pleasure to say these things.

    The LibDems came 5th with less votes than the Greens, an appalling result for them and all the more so when you consider that they had been in power in neighbouring Sutton, and Croydon was the scene of a historical LibDem by-election victory in 1981. Possibly the first LibDem by-election win ever, I can’t quite remember.

    UKIP did poorly in Croydon as they generally do in London polling well below their national average at 9.1%.

    Free Member

    Rule number one of left-wingery: it is always, somehow, Tony Blair’s fault.

    I don’t why they use the word “somehow”, it’s a self-evident fact that Blair and his warmongering alienated many traditional Labour voters.

    Only someone seriously deluded would think that Labour would only have one seat in Scotland today if John Smith had remained Labour leader.

    Blair was the beginning of the end for Labour in Scotland.

    Free Member

    See delusion #5 ernie.

    Free Member

    Nah, but thanks, I wasn’t sufficiently impressed rule number one to be bothered with delusion #5.

    Though I’m sure it’s very funny and that it made you laugh loads just like “rule number one” did.

    Free Member

    It was only the TB one which made me laugh ernie, because it’s a bit of a meme on here. Nothing particularly humorous about anything else in that list.

    Free Member

    The Greens got 1,454 votes. If Labour hadn’t spent years pissing off people like me they would have won the seat (I live in neighbouring Croydon South).

    If labour pandered to people like you they’d have 5% of the vote and one mp.

    Free Member

    If labour pandered to people like you they’d have 5% of the vote and one mp.

    You happen to know that Labour failed to win the seat in Croydon because their candidate Sarah Jones was too left-wing 5thElefant ? 🙂

    From 1983 for nearly 10 years the Tories held Croydon North West, then in 1992 Labour won the seat. The reason Labour won the seat was to a great extent because “people like me” worked tirelessly at every election to help Labour defeat the Tories.

    The Labour Party has a lot less “people like me” delivering leaflets, knocking on doors, stuffing envelopes, giving lifts, etc.

    Perhaps if they had they might have managed to get the extra 166 votes that they needed to win. Never never underestimate the importance of canvassing and connecting with ordinary voters in marginal seats.

    And as a foot note, the Tory MP I helped to defeat, Humfrey Malins, was/is one of the most decent Tories you could possibly imagine. Among other things he resigned from the Tory front bench in protest at the Tory Party’s support for the Iraq War. He voted against the Iraq War obviously.

    In contrast the Labour MP which I helped to get elected was an enthusiastic supporter of the Iraq War. And his unquestioning loyalty to Tony Blair guaranteed him his ministerial career.

    You can imagine how I felt/feel.

    Free Member

    Until the Labour Party have principled policies that they believe in, that they can take to the people with honesty and integrity as well as consistency…it won’t matter in any way who is leader.

    A bit like choosing the next manager of Newcastle Utd!

    Free Member

    Blair was the beginning of the end for Labour in Scotland.


    ’87 – 50 seats
    ’92 – 49
    ’97 – 56
    ’01 – 56
    ’05 – 41
    ’10 – 41

    David Miliband is Tony Blair in a better suit.

    Tony Blair managed to impose more left wing policies than any other UK politician in the last forty odd years – how? Simple, he won elections!

    Free Member


    Yes really, as your figures show.

    While the rest of the UK embraced Thatcher and the Tories Scotland bucked the trend and went the other way, ie, support for the Tories consistently fell while support for Labour consistently rose. The Labour vote in Scotland peaked in 2001 and then after the Iraq War fell, never to recover again before eventually completely collapsing.

    Blair was the beginning of the end for Labour in Scotland. The final end came long after Blair had left to pursue his self-serving quest to become a multimillionaire and special adviser to the world’s despots.

    Free Member

    George Galloway is looking for a job…..

    Full Member

    Just for completeness….

    ’87 – 50 seats of 72
    ’92 – 49 of 72
    ’97 – 56 of 72
    ’01 – 56 of 72
    ’05 – 41 of 59
    ’10 – 41 of 59

    Full Member

    Which of the possible candidates has actually worked for a living at some point?

    Free Member

    Which of the possible candidates has actually worked for a living at some point?

    They’re all benefit scroungers eh ?

    Free Member

    Maybe worth mentioning that Burnham waved through a shit load of PWC inspired business-ification and privation of the NHS when last in power ( Google Ken Anderson if interested). So bit of a scumbag in my eyes

    Free Member

    Jim Murphy – and if he needs a reference I bet Nicola will be happy to oblige

    Free Member

    I guess it makes a change from tax dodgers.

    Full Member

    It just annoys the hell out of me that a party built on workers/unions and supposedly for the working classes chooses/has representatives that have never had the experience of earning a wage other than through politics. Yes there will be some exceptions to this, but people going from Uni straight to the corridors of power without some graft in contributing towards the GDP doesn’t seem right to me somehow for the party.

    Free Member

    but they were born into wealth and privilege and had the best education money can buy so surely they know what’s best for us plebes

    Free Member

    I guess it makes a change from tax dodgers.

    Well it certainly does. And all those who were born into money who have never needed to worry about working.

    Although I see what Russell actually meant was “a proper job”. Presumably like making and building stuff which involves having to wash your hands afterwards, none of this sitting on your fat arse like teaching or organising projects. Or sitting behind a computer all day. Proper “graft”.

    Free Member

    Proper “graft”.

    Is there an approved list of proper graft? I think I can squeeze in having done a bit of farming but I’m worried that as it was a family farm that also includes subsidy scrounging range rover land owning tosser points (only been in one range rover and it was with a couple of nice motorway policemen helping me get my car out of the fast lane…)

    How does proper graft and hard working families cross over?

    Free Member

    Did doing the job involve rolling your sleeves up and washing your hands afterwards ?

    Once we established that then I think we can decide whether it was proper graft.

    Free Member

    I’ve worked in offices where rolling your sleeves and and washing your hands on the way out was required…

    Free Member

    Reading up, that Dan Jarvis seems to have done some graft and had his leadership skills tested.

    Free Member

    Where are they putting the Edstone? Is there a Labour museum? It could go next to footage of Sheffield 1992. In the “we’re alright” room.

    Free Member

    Where are they putting the Edstone? Is there a Labour museum? It could go next to footage of Sheffield 1992. In the “we’re alright” room.

    I think they have erected it on Brighton beach, just next to the pier.

    Free Member

    Mandelson scathing on Andrew Marr programme right now.

    Free Member

    Mandelson scathing on Andrew Marr programme right now.

    You don’t get onto the TV is you are just going to be nice

    Free Member

    Jim Murphy – and if he needs a reference I bet Nicola will be happy to oblige

    Also has the benefit of keeping a jobless person off the dole.

    Free Member

    Chukka is on the TV now – trying to appeal to the right by the sounds of it.

    Free Member

    The prince of darkness was at his best/worst. A charming opening to how to stab someone right in the chest. Spoke quite a lot of sense though.

    Free Member

    Chukka is on the TV now – trying to appeal to the right his wiki page by the sounds of it.

    Free Member

    According to the BBC these are the ones that are shortlisted for the party of good life:

    BBC link here

    Andy Burnham (Ya, the champagne is good, more please!)

    Liz Kendall(I know better than you! This is good for you!)

    Tristram Hunt (Baron von commy, you peasant class people bow to me!)

    Chuka Umunna (Make no mistake! I shall rule you!)

    Yvette Cooper (The other Balls is driving)

    Dan Jarvis (AWOL time!)

    Rachel Reeves (Free money to all!)

    Stella Creasy (Let’s make this world beautiful again!)

    David Lammy (is that you Magic Johnson? Is that you?)

    Ya, I would go for Chuka and Tristram as they will provide more entertainment.

    Which one of the above would you trust your life with?

    Do they have the leadership look?


    Free Member

    Why not Yvette Cooper?

    Good bet until the superior Miliband gets back shirley?

    Free Member

    Another post free from your political bias eh 😀

    Free Member

    Hmm, having reviewed the list above, and knowing the Labour Party…

    Jack Dromey!

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