May I just ask why you bothered to get sucked into it?
I loved the bike; wanted it badly as soon as I demoed it. It was obvious from the off that it was something special. It happened to be designed for 650b wheels. So sue me!
Box at B.A.B, who bought one for himself, has sold a rash of Intense Carbine and Tracer 275s like mine to local riders, for obvious reasons that they are amazing. But apart from these, I’ve seen no other 650b bikes on the trails or trail centres yet.
About UK distributors:
using Hans Dampf 26″ snakeskin pacestar tyre as an example:
~£45, discounted price for a reputable on-line UK tyre seller
~£30, discounted price from Bike24
This type of 50% additional mark-up is not uncommon. It’s not the seller/LBS IMO, but the importer/distributor who is hiking prices.