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  • so this speed of light thing?
  • racefaceec90
    Full Member

    just watched the documentary that professor brian cox was discussing the universe.he was talking about black holes and how they can suck everything into them.he said that light wasn’t fast enough to escape the gravitational pull of a black hole.had also read/saw a program a while ago where professor stephen hawkings was saying that light speeds up as it is getting sucked into a black hole.by virtue then doesn’t that mean that light isn’t the fastest form of energy (and ergo (?!) faster than light travel is a possibility?what say you stw physicists/experts? 🙂

    Free Member

    ye cannae break the laws of physics cap’n

    Free Member

    So, these neutrinos…….

    Free Member

    but can you actually fall into a black hole, remember that space and time is distorted so yes you may be attracted and never escape but whether you ever get to it?

    Free Member

    maybe the speed of light dont change but the black hole changes space in some way that it cant escape, like bending light back on itself but at a constant speed

    Full Member

    Just watch Star Trek.

    Light may well speed up, but it can’t become faster than time. Or to put it another way, it is still limited by it’s own speed, however fast that may be – it isn’t instant. It would have to be faster than instant to see things before they happened. Not possible.

    Free Member

    Most of this stuff is just guesswork , we could all come up with some bullshit theory which could never be proven one way or another .

    Free Member

    I’d say it’s because light is made of particles and all particles have mass. As gravity close to a singularity is functionally equal to infinite, not even light is able to escape from this gravitational field. Or, maybe it’s just because, because. 🙂

    Free Member

    The black hole’s gravitational pull alters an objects mass by increasing its density, so for a given amount of energy its speed increases. I think?

    Free Member

    just to mention. wormholes, It has been a while so not to sure on latest theory but there was talk of singularities giving rise to wormholes with the effect of linking universes together.

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    Ramsey Neil – Member

    Most of this stuff is just guesswork , we could all come up with some bullshit theory which could never be proven one way or another .

    Go for it.

    Free Member

    Having once been captured by aliens and in between the fun sex experiments they conducted on me they explained all this, so lets see if I can remember.

    1st Time.. time doesn’t actually work the way we think it does, simply because at the moment we use our own terms of reference for it, as we also do to measure speed, which are all calculated based on ‘earthly’ matters speed being referenced to our perception of time and distance which in Universal concepts are wrong.

    2nd Gravity.. Gravity isn’t actually what we think it is either, and the way they explained it to me was kind of two levels the first an inverse and opposite force to centrifugal that we know, the other level is an inter dimensional pull which occurs when matter totally collapses upon itself, reverses and becomes the other thing (anti matter).

    So light becomes anti-light to use a term you’ll understand (it’s probably something else, but anti light travels equally fast but into the other direction) now the word direction here is wrong, think of it as another position on the radio frequency dial that we don’t tune into.

    So the answer to the question is of course yes simply because we’re measuring it all wrong.

    Free Member

    Ramsey Neil – Member

    Most of this stuff is just guesswork , we could all come up with some bullshit theory which could never be proven one way or another .

    “Rational prediction requires theory and builds knowledge through systematic revision and extension of theory based on comparison of prediction with observation. … It is an extension of application that discloses inadequacy of a theory, and need for revision, or even new theory. Again, without theory, there is nothing to revise. Without theory, experience has no meaning. Without theory, one has no questions to ask. Hence without theory, there is no learning.”

    Full Member

    right everyone,i’m just off to the land of nod (suffer with insomnia/weird sleep patterns).i hope you all solve this by the time i wake up tomorrow 😉 goodnight bobby joe.goodnight peggy sue

    Free Member

    Great if “theory” can actually be proven or disproved .

    E.G . Here’s my theory of life . I believe that every time we go to sleep we wake up as somebody else , we can’t remember who we last were and can only recall aver having been the person we now are .

    Care to prove or disprove ?

    Free Member

    we could all come up with some bullshit theory which could never be proven one way or another .

    That gets proven true on STW every day ! :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Ramsey Neil – Member

    Care to prove or disprove ?

    Disprove- outside observers would see the difference and comment.

    Free Member

    E.G . Here’s my theory of life . I believe that every time we go to sleep we wake up as somebody else , we can’t remember who we last were and can only recall aver having been the person we now are .

    ever heard of Occams razor?

    Free Member

    Should be used as a guide not a rule I believe ( with a bit of help from Google)

    Free Member

    but can you actually fall into a black hole, remember that space and time is distorted so yes you may be attracted and never escape but whether you ever get to it?

    To know what that is like, try arguing with ?..

    Full Member

    Light beams can be bent by a strong magnetic field, and if I recall correctly as light falls into a singularity there’s a point at which it seems to stop, the event horizon. Beyond that, all electromagnetic radiation and particles and waves are effectively invisible to us because the gravity well is so powerful light is just bent back on itself, hence a ‘black’ hole. There’s a SF story I read once involving a telepath who’s thoughts could be received anywhere with no effective time delay, so very useful in space exploration. They end up falling into a black hole, and the scream as they hit the event horizon goes on and on and on and on and never stops for the person receiving. Far fetched, certainly, but a horrifying thought.

    Free Member

    Paracetamol anyone? I love this stuff but it really does give me a bad heed.

    Full Member

    It’s when particle physicists start talking about Quarks, strangeness, charm, color, left-or-right handedness and all the other weird inhabitants of the bestiary.

    Free Member

    Of course the speed of light differs depending on what it’s moving through .

    Free Member

    Smee is faster than the speed of light.

    Free Member

    the neutrinos are…. MUTATING!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    the neutrinos are…. MUTATING

    Watching DO’B last night yunki? 🙂

    Free Member

    Date of Birth..?

    I was just making a joke with a reference to an obscure film I once saw where the Latinos were mutating.. and heating up the world..

    Free Member

    Noooo…I’d been watching Dara O’Briain around the time of your post on the jellybox – he was taking the mick out of Independence Day in which the quote “The Neutrinos are mutating (or have mutated)” is used. Thought maybe you might have seen it too or something. Anyway…the moment is lost now. 🙂

    Free Member

    On a related note, does anybody know hoe fast gravity travels/ works?

    Full Member

    Quark, Strangeness and Charm…

    Free Member

    Why do people always think “theory” means spontaneous wild guess when it comes to science?

    Free Member

    On a related note, does anybody know hoe fast gravity travels/ works?

    At the ‘cosmic speed limit’. That speed also happens to be the speed of light (in a vacuum). Photons have no mass and therefore MUST travel at the cosmic speed limit…

    Full Member

    Why do people always think “theory” means spontaneous wild guess when it comes to science?

    Or, “fact” depending which particular chip you have on your shoulder.

    Free Member

    Most of this stuff is just guesswork , we could all come up with some bullshit theory which could never be proven one way or another .

    Let us know how your religion works out 😉

    Great if “theory” can actually be proven or disproved.
    E.G . Here’s my theory of life . I believe that every time we go to sleep we wake up as somebody else , we can’t remember who we last were and can only recall aver having been the person we now are .
    Care to prove or disprove ?

    One of the principles of a scientific theory is that it must be testable so that is not a scientific theory..it does not explain what this happens [ so it is a description not a theory] and it does not predict [ who goes to who] so its still not a scientific theory

    Why do people always think “theory” means spontaneous wild guess when it comes to science?

    science [philosophy and underpinning principles] is not well understood by the lay person

    Free Member

    Noooo…I’d been watching Dara O’Briain around the time of your post on the jellybox

    if you’d watched it to the end you would have seen his big finale where him and jimi mistry act out an alternative ending where the Latinos have mutated.. and are heating up the earth..

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Do photons have zero mass? But their path is affected by other large masses. There is a lovely lensing effect picture on here recently.

    Free Member

    It’s all bunkum, this light speed thing.
    If the light is the fastest thing in the universe, how come the darkness is always there before it?
    Answer me that one pretty boy Cox.

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