Home Forums Bike Forum So how would you improve Critical Mass?

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  • So how would you improve Critical Mass?
  • fourbanger
    Free Member

    Has anyone who previously considered CM to be just a bunch of dicks on bikes causing trouble, had their mind changed by any of the arguments in thread?

    Cos that’s what it’s really about, changing peoples perception of cyclists to make the roads a safer place to be.

    And if CM can’t convey anything to already committed cyclists, then it’s kind of a big fat fail in my view.

    Anyone had their minds changed, either way?

    Full Member


    For other uses, see Procession (disambiguation).
    A procession (French procession via Middle English, derived from Latin, processio, from procedere, to go forth, advance, proceed) is an organized body of people walking in a formal or ceremonial manner.

    Probably not the most accurate, but it suits my purpose.

    In summary: “organised”, “formal” & “to go forth”. Not to stop and be a bloody nuisance. You are allow to go forth, though.

    Free Member

    If CM tried that where I live, if anyone tried to disrupt people getting home from work on a Friday by being bell ends where I live, they would get a lesson in why they shouldn’t be bell ends.

    It’s nothing to do with cycling, it’s to do with not being a knob.

    Free Member

    Traffic lights do not give anyone the right of way when there is a legal procession taking place.

    So what ?

    Two out of the three images I have shown, are on a bridge, with no traffic lights and everyone travelling in the same direction.

    And in the only one that did show traffic lights, the lights were green, the Taxi and the cyclist were travelling in the same direction, but the twunt on the bike refused to move 🙄

    So…… Where do you get the evidence that the Taxi drivers were “bullying their way through”

    Maybe you made it up ?

    If you want to talk hypocritical nonsense about not being able to see what is happening then ask your self the same questions..

    I did, and the pictures show exactly what I described (as does the video that are from)

    Thanks for your options but I will talk my own crap thank you

    I won’t be arguing with you on that one.

    Free Member


    If its a “celebration of cycling”

    WTF were there so many hipsters on skateboards ?
    I’ve nothing against skateboards, just don’t see what they have to do with a “celebration of cyclin”g that’s all*

    * unless it’s actually nothing to do with cycling really, and just an excuse to dick about and cause trouble and post the videos on YouTube, then it makes perfect sense.

    Full Member

    Anyone had their minds changed, either way?

    Yes, away from the “just a ride”, and even more towards the official protest ride with an agenda of provocation.

    The blogs by the guy that went and joined in *after* seeing tweets about things kicking off, and all the nonsense about legal advisers handing out “bust cards” swung it for me.

    Free Member

    Anyone had their minds changed, either way?

    Yes, I used to think is was a group of north London Yogurt Weavers and mostly harmless, with the occasional hijacker from the lunatic fringe.

    Now i think it’s a bunch of weapon grade tools. HTF is anything in that video going to convince anyone to want to ride a bike.

    Free Member

    I’m broadly positive about critical mass and hope they don’t go away. I think London is a big enough city to fit CM once a month.

    Free Member

    I started off wondering if, maybe even hoping that, it wasn’t just a bunch of angry young boys with self esteem issues looking for edgy larks.. that maybe something positive was coming from this group that have chosen to very publicly represent cycling on my behalf..

    disappointed with the outcome 😐

    Free Member

    I was broadly sympathetic to this whole idea until I saw the video. Now I want to get a black fred perry t-shirt and a taxi.
    Stop messing around with people’s commutes and get a life

    Free Member

    Yep, also was broadly sympathetic in principle, Now watched some of the vidoes off the CM site. So annoying seeing something you believe in and participate in most days being bastardised and misrepresented by such a bunch of arseholes. Shame you’re too **** stupid, or too up your own arses to see the damage you do.

    In your own words: “Shame on You”.

    Free Member

    Mike I think the conclusion is you could improve it by stopping.

    Really if this is the reaction of cyclist – have you tried registering on other cycling forum and asking as i rather suspect our response is fairly typical- how on earth do you expect to change the opinions of those who started off disliking cyclists?

    Like many I support the aims i just find it to be the most counter productive thing imaginable as these threads demonstrate.

    Free Member

    In the court papers from the 2006 case regarding Critical Mass, the person acting on behalf of Critical Mass listed their aims as :

    To raise the profile of cycling in towns and cities
    Campaigning for better provision for cyclists
    To raise awareness about pollution and other problems caused by cars
    Getting our own back at motorists
    To demonstrate opposition to car culture
    To cause disruption

    To feel good about being safe on a bike on roads which are usually dangerous
    To create a vision and experience of a possible future
    To meet friends and go for a beer later.

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