Home Forums Chat Forum So how do I re-find my MOJO

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  • So how do I re-find my MOJO
  • igrf
    Free Member

    hora – Member
    igrf, why?

    Because it was the two things that did it for me. (except the calling Jedi a ‘pussy’ bit, that was ironic license)

    oh and I do sell them as well just to declare an interest here er coverts that is

    Free Member

    Lost mine long ago and don’t want it back, thanks. MrsJA nearly killed herself on one of our regular trips and that was it for me. Been a couple of times since with a very good mate but even that didn’t sort it, despite how much I used to love cycling.

    Now we go for walking instead, with plenty of botanising and stuff to add even more interest. It is fun to walk the footpaths around here as we never used to get to see them when we were riding.

    Losing your cycling mojo ain’t the end of the world: it can be the start of a new one!

    Free Member

    I lost my mojo a whike ago. It was called stress off the bike and lack of fitness.

    Full Member

    +1 hora, forced my self out two weeks ago, felt rubbish, rode worse, couldn’t even stay with the group, broke bike, woke up sick the next day. Went to work sick and fed up to add to stress of job. Haven been out since, bike sat in disgrace in the garage.

    I’m now more stressed and grumpy than before and can feel myself getting lethargic. Im sure it will come back, took up road riding and that helped but even that’s not appealing. Massive case of MTFU but the half five start of the commute plus the half six/ seven get home time aren’t helping, not to mention not seeing the kids properly as they are getting ready for bed.

    Happy days 😕

    Free Member

    Totally agree.

    Free Member

    stevio – Member
    call a mate and ask him to go Trailquesting in a few weeks – you can even bring your new camera???? Always try another weekend away if you want – i’ve plenty of leave still, Steve -another CYB October trip – promise to bring my shoes this time….. and not throw up on the boat, probably

    Your mojo is still there, honest, mate – there have been plenty of times this year i’ve gone out, but once out couldn’t be bothered to ride the bike and just gone and sat somewhere with a view instead….

    Busted 🙂
    Away for the trailquest unfortunately. Go away on the 20th training course 28th and then jury service 3rd of November so things aren’t getting any easier.
    Oh and Stevio there have been so many things since shoegate 🙂

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