Did it on Sunday too, by which time the snow was down to well below Clogwyn station. Views were outstanding though.
All in all, a fantastic route I’ve been wanting to do for some time!
Started around 10 a.m. so there were loads of walkers on the path up. One group of not particularly enthusiastic youths were all wearing “Clean Water Aid” t-shirts and one girl was even dressed as, I kid you not, a toilet. It was as much as I could do to stop myself from quipping “Oh good, I could do with a dump”.
Lots of people were impressed and really complimentary but had one bloke who wasn’t too happy
“Isn’t there a bike ban on this path?”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t start until May”
“Hmm, well you won’t get much use out of that big ring today”
“Well, only on the way down!”