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  • Sneak Peak – 2011 Foes AMX – WORLD EXCLUSIVE
  • si-wilson
    Free Member

    Si from Progressive pimps the hell out of his stuff, but at least he's polite and involved in the STW community (you can post me my free Chumba now).

    jeez thanks 🙂

    Free Member

    slowrider – Member
    cynic-al, i reckon a claimed weight is just as likely to be accurate as a pick up and guess. thanks for pointing you usual 'i know best' snipe at me though, ive not had one before and i feel so much more like part of the gang now.

    I'm not saying I know what weight it is, but a 3.7lb frame will feel "light" in a way that this one categorically did not – I'd guess 5lb+, and state "no way" to 3.7lb

    You shouldn't take it as a snipe, I'm just trying to correct misleading information, mfrs often quote optimisitic weights but this is off the scale. It's not personal to you at all, but you were fighting your corner on teh basis of claimed weights, which is a bit of a FAIL IMO.

    Free Member

    I'd guess 5lb+, and state "no way" to 3.7lb

    I'd state "no way" to 5lb+

    I'm just trying to correct misleading information, mfrs often quote optimisitic weights but this is off the scale.

    Based on you picking one up?

    Free Member

    Brant do you have a frame and scale handy? as you could solve this argument very quickly.

    Also are people being deliberately dim? 69 degrees at 120mm will make it 67.5 at 150mmm doesn't it? which sounds about right, steep from jumpy stuff. slack for DH.

    Free Member

    Brant do you have a frame and scale handy? as you could solve this argument very quickly.

    Nope – but I already did. 3.7lb was an (admittedly unpainted) 18in (not 16in) pre-production sample (with a longer than production downtube gusset).

    We've sold a lot of these. Nobody has come back to me and said "oy, ****, this frame weighs lots more than you said it did". I dunno.

    69 degrees at 120mm will make it 67.5 at 150mmm doesn't it? which sounds about right, steep from jumpy stuff. slack for DH.

    Depends if they're quoting static or sagged too though.

    Free Member

    Depends if they're quoting static or sagged too though.

    I presume like most it will be static. I really think introducing sagged angles complicates things as we all run different sag levels? I see the reasoning, but if we all stick to the same measuring technique then surely the better?

    Free Member

    This thread is so full of sh*t its fantastic.

    Free Member

    Why all the hate, especially directed at a frame that's expensive and 'looks different'. C'mon, if you were paying silly money for a hardtail frame would you want it to look like everything else out there?

    Identical build Foes Predator/Cove Stiffee

    Personally I love the look, as I did my Foes Predator frame, which is why I dropped silly money on importing a frame from USA without so much as a test-ride 🙄 . I'd buy another tomorrow if I wasn't planning on riding it as I reckon it looks fantastic but sadly I don't have anywhere near the skills to do justice to something with, ahem, that stiff a rear end.

    Free Member

    Why all the hate

    Agreed!! "Oh, it's not a round tube", "the head angle is 0.25 degrees from accepted perfection for riding UK trails on a Wednesday in the damp"

    It's a very early prototype. They'e playing with the angles, it's not even welded yet.

    800 quid for a hand made imported (from the US) frame isn't exactly pushing the boundaries of cost. By some of the definitions on here we should all ride exactly the same frame; as "wants" or "the best" are defined by some made up strict criteria. Thank God they're not.

    Cut the guy some slack. He's posted some early shots of what may or indeed may not turn out to be a decent "UK trail bike". How deterred are other frame builders likely to be when they read this type of reception on early work?

    If people want to claim weights – weigh the frame – then post what they weighed and the weight. Otherwise it's subjective pub talk.

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