Don’t use slug pellets, they kill hedgehogs, which are in decline and are good slug eaters….
As I mentioned in my original post, I have two hedgehogs as regular visitors to my garden!
Anyway, I found a recipe for a slug attractant that doesn’t involve wasting good beer, so I made up a couple of slug traps today, using a couple of discarded plastic bottles I picked up going to and from town, cut the tops off, turned the tops upside down and put into the bottom and taped in place, then the recipe is two cups of warm water, (about 200 ml), two table spoons of flour, a table spoon of sugar, and a half a tablespoon of yeast, mixed together.
Just been out checking the worst affected beans, and there’s one slug in the water, one just going into it, and I watched another large slug climbing the side of the bottle, going over the top, and heading for a watery doom at the bottom!
So, it seems to be working perfectly! All I had to buy was the beer yeast, 11gms for £1.75 in Wilco’s, so a lot cheaper than any other options, I reckon that yeast will do a couple of dozen traps. 🤪