So bought a new to me 2014 Octavia diesel. Had it 4 days and driving along the dual carriageway at 70 and the dash suddenly lit up and warned me the engine temperature was high. Indeed the needle was in the red. So slowed down, set the heating to high and engine temperature dropped back down within 60 seconds. After that it was fine, even after dropping the heating back down. Managed to recreate it twice since in a similar scenario (70mph) with the same result, pop heating up and it’s sorted.
Anyway taken it to the garage I bought it from and they’re having a look. I’m guessing the thermostat is at fault but does anyone know if the car will store the maximum coolant/engine temperature? Feel like a bit of a fraud as it only seems to work under specific scenarios.
Odd thing is it didn’t? happen in a 30 mile motorway journey when I picked the car up nor travelling 50 miles to goto the zoo. Odd.