Colin – that reminds me: In the mid 1980s there was a small group of Lakeland climbers doing new routes out on Skye (I know, a long way from the Lakes). We were coming back through Glencoe one Sunday night and wondered what the bright lights and castle at the head of the Glen were as we were pretty sure that there was no castle there.
As we passed the Meeting of the Three Waters we were treated to a horde of men in kilts bearing swords striding across the moor in the gathering gloom. It turned out they were filming Highlander, the “castle” was was where Sean Connery’s character met his end.
A few months later we were climbing in Glencoe and called in at The Kingshouse for a drink, Ian Nicholson the then owner was a well known Scottish climber. Behind the bar was a cheque signed by Sean Connery – he’d picked up the entire tab for the post filming bash.