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  • Single speed
  • Tony.w
    Free Member

    Just built a SS useinf a single 16 tooth rear and 32 front from a 9sp triple cran Chains the issue someone has said I need 3/32 or a 1/8 I think why not a top 8sp chainstill 1/8 but no need for the narrowness (is that a word)

    Your thoughts appreciated

    Free Member

    Use whatever you have or can get cheap. A geary chain is apparently stronger than a SS chain these days anyway due to development and ting.

    Free Member

    Iaways thought it was the other way around

    Full Member

    use a 9sp chain on my singlespeeds with no issues at all. There is too much pointless niche cack talked with SS riders sometimes 🙄

    Free Member

    mmm a little to anal for me man

    Full Member

    Kmc one speed specific chains like the z510hx are very strong and only £11. The z610hx is 3/32 so narrower, lighter and still only £11
    I have sold thousands of these and not had a single complaint. It’s what I use.

    So why use a geary chain?

    Free Member

    SS specific chain every time for me, use the correct components and stem-balls interface risk will be greatly reduced

    Free Member

    I bought a ss chain for mine, purely because i wanted to keep chain and cassette together should I want gears back, figured if I was going to buy a new one I may as well get a ss one!

    Full Member

    The chain issue is not about strength.

    A derailleur chain is designed to slip sideways easily off the sprockets. The best quality derailleur chains slide off like silk.

    This is not a feature you will appreciate when grunting up a steep hill with your chainstays flexing from side to side. It can be eye watering.

    Hence for the sake of your testicles it is better to buy a quality BMX chain, 3/32 or 1/8 doesn’t really matter.

    And at the price of a KMC510 or 610, it’s cheaper.

    Free Member

    never dropped or snapped either type of chain on singlespeed, I usually use KMC 6/7/8speed chain cos its cheap! I have a 3/32 singlepeed one on at the moment, again only cos it was cheapest at the time.

    Full Member

    Never used a geared chain on my singlespeed, but can comment on the effectiveness of the KMC 1/8th chain, was dropping my SRAM PC-1 left-right and centre, but the KMC goes nowhere, even when slack.

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