The foam grips were KCNC ones from Very good at shedding weight if you don't mind replacing them every so often – they wear pretty fast. I've got ODI Ruffian Loc-Ons on there now. Got fed up with them slipping round when it rained.
Risers are gaining popularity in the XC race arena – not a lot use them in Elite, though. Probably 20% of the riders, max. I just like the sweep/width/upsweep combo you get with a riser. As I run the stem upside down I could get a flat bar at the same height, but it wouldn't have the same dimensions. Plus, I got really fed up with crashing and ripping the end of the bar off when the bar end dug in the ground. I got through 3 or 4 bars like this last season. Also, I like not having the sides of my hands pressed up against the bar ends – it feels a lot nicer without them.