Trying to reduce chain slap between lower part of chain and the bottom of chain stay. Its now more than I ever remember. It’s annoying but not a problem since it is slapping against the alu protector glued to the chain stay near the BB.
I thought the clutch was meant to stop this, but have noticed that after shifting to a larger cog the mech jockey wheel cage is held stiffly by the clutch, and the chain is taut. However after shifting to a smaller cog there is a small amount of play in the cage, and the chain is much more floppy, enough to slap the chain stay protector and cause the problem.
Is this down shift cage play normal? I have tried other bikes and they show the same – stiff after upshifting, some play after downshifting, so would seem to be so.
The slap started after I serviced and replaced the clutch with an old one from another mech. I was wondering whether a tighter clutch, a new clutch, or new mech with tighter pivots etc might solve.