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  • Shimano M960 vs. M970 chainset.
  • Hairychested
    Free Member

    Any serious differences? Or shall I go for SLX?

    Free Member

    I’d personally go 970’s over 960’s if you see how all the chainrings are joined on the 960 you have to stick with that type. the 970 can take the lx or xt chainrings i believe, so you could save money in the future. I think XT sits in between the slx and xtr range so maybe look there.

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    Free Member

    yup the 960’s have an annoying 102bcd rather than the normal 104mm middle ring. The 970’s also have a nicer non-driveside arrangement with a solid octalink fitting.

    Be aware that the outer ring alone retails for £90!!

    Free Member

    Crickey! So it’s between a 2nd hand XTR and new SLX. Any suggestions?

    Free Member

    The profile on the middle ring of the M970 makes the shift amazing. However, I believe that profile can now be had on the 770 XT version.

    Free Member

    New XT is too expensive for my liking. SLX or even LX of old is much cheaper. M970 sometimes can be had for some £70 hence the question.

    Free Member

    well that last hairychested comment confused me…

    as m970 is XTR and cant be had for £70 and is way more expensive than XT which is too expensive for you

    hehe, put the wine away and explain yourself 😉

    Free Member

    SLX can be had new for £80, XT new for £120. The only 2nd hand alternative I’d consider for my wife’s bike (it’s a birthday pressie) is XTR M960/970 that on ebay sells for approx. £80.

    Will I be buying a better chainset if I choose the last option or shall I go for the SLX? I don’t want to buy a new XT as it’s over my budget (if she doesn’t like my choice she can have my XT anyway).

    So, a brand spanking new SLX or a second-hand XTR? Why?

    Free Member

    Well I haven’t seen M970 for £70 on ebay maybe M960. So i say SLX sounds good plus its new and nice

    Full Member

    XT M770 on Merlin is £98

    Full Member

    SLX is £71

    Free Member

    And I think SLX looks nicer.

    Free Member

    Besides, it’s for my wife not me, so the looks matter quite a lot.

    Full Member

    Have you seen the SLX in the flesh? I think it looks very very cheap. The matt black finish and dodgy silver make it look like it’s made of plastic.

    Free Member

    well IF I could buy m970 for less that £100 i would buy it! but as money is of importance to your decision then it only seems logical that you go with SLX as the parts for slx are significantly cheaper than XTR m960/m970

    Free Member

    That isn’t good news. Will need to get down to LBS (Craption Bikes) to see. Or maybe, God forgive for I am about to say, Evans.

    Full Member

    SLX is £68 at Stif

    XT M760 (the older one) is £67 at On-One (no BB though)

    Free Member

    for what its worth i use new and old xt, i cant tell the difference. and unlikly i could tell the difference between slx or xtr, only real world difference is likly to be weight, looks and cost.

    Free Member

    I have a spare BB so it wouldn’t be an issue. Hmmm…. I know, another whisky!

    Free Member

    My m970s

    and their replacements

    Free Member

    Fizzer, you’re the man!

    Full Member

    I assume you use them for racing (no granny ring, 22g saved there) and were cranking some power through them at the time?

    Free Member

    Thats odd, I really am sure my M970 cranks don’t have that step on the axle like yours fizzer. Mine run straight through at a constant diameter appart from a mirco-fine difference on the bearing areas. I also assume you have changed the chainring bolts as they are torx all round on mine.

    Free Member

    Oh, and I can’t understand your logic Hairychest. You would buy an XTR chainset off Ebay, which by it’s very nature will have been ridden hard or raced if it’s selling for under £100? Replacement rings will set you back in the region of £100 and the cranks will still be scuffed.

    You would be mad to look for used XTR in your circumstances IMHO.

    Yes XTR cranks with replacement rings WILL be a better chainset, but with old worn rings it will feel as crap as any secondhand chainset would.

    Free Member

    I have no experience of XTR chainsets so decided to ask. Following the information gathered I’d be mad to go for it. It’ll be XT from Brant or SLX from Stif.

    BTW An acquaintance of mine is selling her M960 and I can have it for £75 posted. She rode it for a few days only (of which I’m sure). That prompted my thinking of it.

    Thanks a lot!

    Full Member

    If the M960 is in excellent condition and your missus only does a little riding, I’d buy the M960. It’s by far the best looking, just not as durable as the new XT.

    Free Member

    Thats odd, I really am sure my M970 cranks don’t have that step on the axle like yours fizzer.

    That “step” appears to be the inner race of the non-drive side bearing, and some of the marks on the axle appear to indicate poor fitting.

    Free Member

    Fizzer: Noirs are heavier and more expensive than XTRs, the GXP bottom brackets are also terrible.

    Good luck with that!

    As Daffy said, if the M960s are in good nick get them, otherwise just get XT, you could find you’re one of the many people who buys XTR and then is shocked at how much is costs to replace parts!

    Free Member

    That is the inner race of the BB bearing that broke as well. The score marks are the result of a collapsed BB bracket at the head of the Glendaterra valley and the subsequent ride back to Keswick. I think this has caused a weak point on the axle. Poor fitting had nothing to do with, torqued up to 45n/m. Changed the torx bolts that are made from cheese on the first ring change.

    Yes I was up in the big gears when it went.

    The Noirs feel stiffer than the XTR and 53g well that’s a not a big penalty.
    As for the BB – when it wears out it will get the two week old Hope one I bought in Keswick.

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