Home Forums Bike Forum Shimano Disc Brake seals, non-replaceable??

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  • Shimano Disc Brake seals, non-replaceable??
  • 13thfloormonk
    Full Member

    I can’t really complain, I got four years out of the brake, but it seems obscenely wasteful to chuck a perfectly good calliper in the bin for want of a rubber seal.

    Madison’s website holds no clues, anyone have any leads?

    Free Member

    I think the seals are the same as in the cheaper callipers but not sure – so you could buy a cheap shimano caliper strip it and use the seals to rebuild your XT one – double check the diameter of the pistons first tho

    Most shimano seals cannot be bought as spares

    Free Member

    AS TJ says not available. I resented binning a perfectly good XT M765 calliper just because of a weepy seal. So it went in the spares box, just in case…..

    Full Member

    Yeah, thought as much. Pretty poor show to be honest, regardless of the original life of the seal. 🙁

    Can’t justify buying new callipers for seals, I only want to sell them anyway! The rear is still good, might get a little money for that…

    Free Member

    595 calipers use the same seals and can be split for easy removal of the seals. They’re quite cheap to buy too.
    Getting the seals out of the monoblock without a seal pick is a bit difficult, and geting the new ones in is a major ballache.
    I’ve converted a set to run on Hope levers with dot fluid and the seal change was a nightmare. But all the parts cost me nothing, so it was worth it.
    And they’re on my daughter’s bke now, after testing them on my HT last season.
    That’s how much I trust them.

    Free Member

    was thinking this the other day after the second attempt at bleeding my brand new shimano xt (from ribble) still spongy with poor lever feel yet no air in system upon bleeding, hope for me next time.

    nb..my other shimanos on my 2nd bike have been flawless for years..

    Free Member

    Skyline-GTR – Member
    I’ve converted a set to run on Hope levers with dot fluid and the seal change was a nightmare. But all the parts cost me nothing, so it was worth it.

    Interesting, what did you use for the caliper seals then?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I think they are lip seals rather than o-iongs yes?

    Free Member

    They were 525 calipers and hope mini seals fitted perfectly to convert IS calipers to postmount. (to combat non disc frame brake mounting issues)
    used the Hope pistons initially, and they leaked but with the original Shimano ones they’ve been trouble free for 2 years now give or take a month.

    Free Member

    AS al says -0 a calliper seal is not an o ring.

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