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  • Sharia law in Sudan. How can this be happening in the 21st Century?
  • GrahamS
    Full Member

    The majority of the worlds population dont have internet cafes, iPads, forums, electricity, running water or toilets.

    Find it quite hypocritical that those on here jumping on the bandwagon to condemn unsavoury events in a 3rd world country, they know little about, are probably doing so from behind the screen of a new Mac laptop, in a nice air conditioned office with cafe latte in hand.

    We get it – these are comparatively poor countries.

    I wasn’t aware that being poor entitles them to barbaric oppressive laws or that human rights only apply to the rich humans.

    Free Member

    Perhaps if she preys hard enough god will save her. Isnt he the same god anyway christian / muslim ??

    Or perhaps a good petition will save her.

    Mayby we should petition the christian church to step in to save her, after all its their marketing that got her into this situation.

    Full Member

    my solution is to send an assassin to kill any judge worldwide who passes a death sentence

    It’d have to be a remarkably think judge who decided to send the assassins out.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Like I said….. this is the most effective form of communication…..

    binners I know (hope) you’re being funny, but the solution to a country killing a pregnant woman that they don’t like is not for the West to fire off some big missiles to kill many more people (including pregnant women) that we don’t like.

    Free Member

    They rejoice in their medieval barbarism.

    The people doing the killing or the people being killed?

    Free Member

    Perhaps if she preys hard enough god will save her.


    Anyway, maybe she is praying and maybe God’s trying to work through us. Well maybe not you, his ways may be mysterious but there are limits I suppose.

    Free Member

    binners …… “Oh… and you used the word/abomination ‘y’all’ which automatically renders anything typed after it irrelevant, as it can now be dismissed as drivel”

    Consarn it! you got me 🙁

    I suppose sending missiles is a better response than nothing at all but please don’t confuse concern for the human rights of others with “hand wringing”.

    Full Member

    The people doing the killing or the people being killed?

    All of them. They’re all mental! If theres anything to be taken from this sad tale, its don’t go to countries full of mental people with a penchant for stoning people to death on a whim, for the honour of Allah*

    * unless you’re in a helicopter gunship

    Full Member

    Free Member

    I think you have the wrong idea, I’m not condoning this, in fact I think it’s terrible. What I’m saying though is we have no right to tell the country of Sudan to stop this sort of thing, just as people in Sudan have no right to tell us to stop drinking alcohol, killing pigs for bacon or that all our women should wear the burkha – things which they no doubt consider equally abhorrent. Different country, different rules, doesn’t directly effect us, not our business to interfere.

    Free Member

    we have no right to tell the country of Sudan to stop this sort of thing,

    just as people in Sudan have no right to tell us to stop drinking alcohol, killing pigs for bacon or that all our women should wear the burkha

    Are you saying that they are of equal significance? Their misguided insensitivity to alcohol use in the west against the medieval torture and murder of an innocent woman?

    Full Member

    Are you saying that they are of equal significance?


    You can have a moral or spiritual compass that doesn’t allow eating or drinking something, and that’s fine, but when you decide it’s ok to kill someone because they believe in a different imaginary man in the sky…

    Full Member

    Different country, different rules, doesn’t directly effect us

    Presumably you’re okay with America interfering, since her husband is American and this will clearly directly effect him?

    But everyone else should just shrug and say “Whatever”?

    Free Member

    Different country, different rules, doesn’t directly effect us, not our business to interfere.

    I suppose we should of just ignored South Africa’s apartheid as well?

    Full Member

    Are you saying that they are of equal significance? Their misguided insensitivity to alcohol use in the west against the medieval torture and murder of an innocent woman?

    In their eyes, she’s not innocent though. Thats the point. Look…. they’re all mental. Totally hat-stand! No point reasoning with them, or trying to rationalise it, or make comparisons.

    So… while we’re telling them, should we ask them simply to restrict their general raving mentalness to this specific ‘crime’, or deliver a list of things that are equally as bonkers that we don’t like either?

    Or, just say **** it, its probably for their own good anyway, and….

    Full Member

    Are you saying that they are of equal significance?

    I’m presuming not but possibly just as important: does sharia law consider them equal significance?

    not defending sharia law in anyway BTW

    Free Member

    just as important

    Just as important to who? Apologists such as Rebel12 or those carrying out the “punishment”

    Full Member

    Was just bringing up the point that if eating bacon (or some other western everyday occurrence) is in the same league as executing people in their book then listening to westerners saying “come on, you can have you funny little cultural ways, but death sentence for apostasy really isn’t on” isn’t going to get us very far is it?

    It’s a ****ed up situation, but I can see the “they won’t listen” argument, we are judging them from our social/moral perspective, they will equally be judging us from theirs. Subjectively we can both be right and wrong…no?

    Free Member

    Nothing particularly constructive to add, just wanted to add my voice and say that this is absolutely disgusting. This kind of thing gets me so mad I literally cannot think straight, and thus; my solution is to send an assassin to kill any judge worldwide who passes a death sentence. Sorted.

    – do you see the irony of it being you who gets to determine who is executed rather than a judge ? Your death sentence having more credibility than than the judge’s

    Free Member

    @binners remember to only post pictures of laser guided pin point accurate drone weapons. Those B52’s have a habit of killing lots of innocent people. Whereas the laser guided thingy-a-me-jigs only kill those identified by military “intelligence”

    Free Member

    Are you saying that they are of equal significance? Their misguided insensitivity to alcohol use in the west against the medieval torture and murder of an innocent woman?

    In our eyes no, in their eyes probably yes – this is a 3rd world Muslim country we’re dealing with. They don’t watch Countryfile at the weekend or debate the benefits of 650B over a pint or two. They are totally different people to us with totally different beliefs and values. You need to understand how their society works before you pass judgement. I don’t understand fully the Sudanese culture so I’d rather not get involved.

    But everyone else should just shrug and say “Whatever”?

    Well what do you propose we do about it? Perhaps scorn them in an outraged fashion from behind your laptop? Perhaps spit your latte at the screen in protest? Do you think they would listen if our Government interfered – or actually has our Governments interference in Muslim affairs in the past ever ended in anything positive in this region?

    Free Member

    Might be nice if all minded our own business a bit.
    Maybe even deal with issues at home first.
    Of course not , its much more fun to rant and rave about something we actually can do nowt about.

    Free Member

    not our business to interfere.

    Well I’ll bring the Godwin thing in, we interfered when Adolf got carried away and well that was a good thing I hope you agree.

    Free Member

    Well I’ll bring the Godwin thing in, we interfered when Adolf got carried away and well that was a good thing I hope you agree.

    Adolf was invading Europe, who knows what we would have done (or not done) if he’d stayed at home ?

    Free Member

    Maybe invading Poland was nothing to do with us, we made it our business.

    Free Member

    That’s why I said …..

    …”if he’d stayed at home”

    Free Member

    Just recolonise Africa and the middle east, things were much better when we were in charge.
    Those funny foreigners cant be trusted to behave in a proper manner and certainly cant run their own countries.

    Free Member

    Might be nice if all minded our own business a bit.

    For the triumph of evil all that is neccessary is that good people do nothing
    Does this apply when someone is stealing your bike? robbing your home. Killing your wife ?

    It wont be nice for the dead mother or her husband or her kids.

    Loving all the apologists for Sudanese Sharia law.

    A brown person is going to be murdered in a poor land far away but thats OK because we’re rich and white and shouldn’t judge them by our standards.

    That’s hand wringing liberal relativism disappearing up its own fundament.

    Its enough to make me want to vote UKIP

    Full Member

    jambalaya – Member
    Nothing particularly constructive to add, just wanted to add my voice and say that this is absolutely disgusting. This kind of thing gets me so mad I literally cannot think straight, and thus; my solution is to send an assassin to kill any judge worldwide who passes a death sentence. Sorted.

    @jambourgie – do you see the irony of it being you who gets to determine who is executed rather than a judge ? Your death sentence having more credibility than than the judge’s

    Er, irony, yes………. We really do need a big “I’m being ironic/sarcastic”smilie on here don’t we!

    Full Member

    Loving all the apologists for Sudanese Sharia law.

    do I think its wrong? hell yes, do I know what to do about it? **** no! do you? And if you do can you get all the poor ****ers on death row in America off the death sentence after aswell coz I find that pretty repugnant too.

    Id guess a lot of the people pissed off about this situation also get peeved when our country invades another coz it won’t do what we want.
    It’s complicated.

    Free Member

    Loving all the apologists for Sudanese Sharia law.

    A brown person is going to be murdered in a poor land far away but thats OK because we’re rich and white and shouldn’t judge them by our standards.

    That’s hand wringing liberal relativism disappearing up its own fundament.

    Its enough to make me want to vote UKIP

    Okay so what do you propose we should do about the situation since I’ve got no idea?

    Sanctions – great idea for a country where half the population are already starving!

    Military action
    – fantastic idea, loads more bloodshed, because it’s always worked so well in this region before hasn’t it?

    Political, media & Western public condemnation
    – wow, do you really think they will listen?

    Try to turn them all to Christian faith and values – wonderful, they’ll love that and it would make us look as bad as they are.

    So come on then – what’s your great idea or does the extent of your protest end with tapping words of disgust on your keyboard and voting for the BNP?

    Full Member

    Okay so what do you propose we should do about the situation?

    At the risk of sounding like Father Ted, just because I don’t know what should be done, doesn’t mean that I can’t see that something should be done.
    One of the reasons we employ politicians and have civil services is so that people with (supposedly) more skills and experience than us can develop and table options, and make decisions on our behalf.
    Your rather shallowminded dismissal of three options which all have their place in various situations demonstrates how limited some people’s thinking is.

    Free Member

    You need to understand how their society works before you pass judgement. I don’t understand fully the Sudanese culture so I’d rather not get involved.

    Its not cultural it is barbaric, its a different thing. I dont need an insight into their “culture” to make a sweeping statement that murdering people based on fairy stories is wrong.

    Killing babies should be globally viewed as unacceptable for instance or are you saying that without a “cultural” insight we cant make such statements? r are you saying some people cant be held to such universally accepted standards of behavior?

    Free Member

    At the risk of sounding like Father Ted

    I was thinking more Father Dougal.

    “Something ought to be done”

    “what Dougal?”

    “I don’t know Ted”.

    Full Member

    Sanctions – great idea for a country where half the population are already starving!

    I think that would be my choice (a trade ban) – but it would be absolutely nothing to do with trying to change their society or force our belief system on them and with very little regard to the consequences it might have to their population. It would be an internal message to our own population – ‘we wash our hands of people and societies like this; we know better than to attempt to influence and we (now) are better than wanting to make a profit from them too.’

    Someone on an earlier page had a rantette about everyone being in a bubble and having no idea about societies other than our own. I don’t agree – folk may not be well versed in the subtleties of other cultures but the fact that a conversation on a mountain bike forum on this subject is happening at all is a stellar advertisement for the information available in the west in the internet era. It is places like Sudan that are in a bubble and it is the ignorance of that bubble that means that acts like this happen. If I really wanted to try to change and influence a place like Sudan I would flood the place with uncensored internet access through distributing satellite phones and repositioning a few communication satellites. No favourite sites with careful messages preprogrammed, just straightforward access and let the population educate themselves more broadly and make their own minds up.

    So come on then – what’s your great idea or does the extent of your protest

    I have no idea what to do about it, that doesn’t mean I condone a barbaric act.

    I’m astounded that some people on this thread seem to think its absolutely fine for a state to kill somebody because of that individual’s religious belief.

    As far as I can tell their reasons seem to be:

    a. The Americans do it, so we can’t criticise anyone else.

    b. We shouldn’t judge others by our standards, becasue we are rich and they aren’t

    c. There is nothibng we can do about, so it must be OK.

    and voting for the BNP?

    Pay attention, it was UKIP. Farage would probably suggest invading the Sudan, which at least would be doing something.

    Free Member

    I’m astounded that some people on this thread seem to think its absolutely fine for a state to kill somebody because of that individual’s religious belief.

    Who are those people ?

    I’m sure they must exist because you said so, but I bet they will disagree with you dreaming up that opinion for them, when you point out who you are talking about.

    Free Member

    I’m astounded that some people on this thread seem to think its absolutely fine for a state to kill somebody because of that individual’s religious belief.

    Errrrr except no ones actually said that though have they? Your argument might hold water if you get your basic facts right. I was aware it was UKIP you said and not the BNP but I changed to the BNP in jest (since they’re even more right wing and racist than UKIP), and that’s what you seemed to be generally implying.

    There are plenty of barbaric and terrible things happening in this world at the moment, many much more unjust than even this case and on a much larger scale – yet this particular case, hyped by the media, seems to be the ‘fashionable’ one for the ‘latte drinking’ classes to be outraged about at the moment.

    If you opened your eyes you would see that there are many problems in the world that are much more serious, but often the only way to resolve these problems is to let them resolve naturally and properly. Quick fixes applied by the West have a proven history of just making things worse, much, much worse.

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