I found myself writing this about him.
Unklehomer is sad to see Salmond go. I disagreed about Scottish Independence, and I’m glad it didn’t happen, but I was also jealous Scotland had a strong counter politic which had the strength and power to threaten to tedious same old same old of Westminster. They have a representative Parliament elected by representative means. They are progressive in their socialism in a way utterly and embarrassingly lost to the UK labour party. Salmond, while imperfect and belligerent in his pursuit of the goal of independence, has played a big part in that.
The conviction and stubbornness of the celtic nations acts as a moderating effect on the nasty, selfish inward looking tone which has been seeping into English politics for the last few years. I believe Scotland won last night, but if I’m honest I believe we (England) won much, much more.
We are risking our NHS, we have given away our public transport, surrendered our town centres and communities. Large companies & supermarkets with limitless lawyers and resource can wear down the planning departments who are duty bound to fight for us on meagre budgets by comparison and dictate the shape of our infrastructure.
We are encouraged at every turn into putting the self above others. We are encouraged to blame others, and take delight in it. If we give in to that then we become the only one fighting for our cause. But if we shout for everyone, then everyone, everyone, is shouting for us.
Single minded and blinkered Salmond may have been, but in a way we could do with more Salmonds, not less. He has made Scotland better. I, desperately, want someone to make Britain better, for all.
It’s a bit idealistic, and I’ve had wine, but I stand by it. I’ll miss him, and we could do with more like him. I await your flames, obviously.