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  • Salmond on Newsnight
  • chewkw
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    zokes – Member


    Funny, I always thought the Scottish were famous for whisky.

    The Irish are however undeniably very good at whiskey


    Both are very good but then those from Scotland have to insist on being the bestest because they say so. Since they are the best nothing can compare to them …

    Full Member

    zokes – Member
    Plus an independent Scotland would be able to set economic policy to suit Scotland
    Not really, you either want to stick with GBP, in which case Westminster still has a big say, or the Euro, in which case Germany does. I think we’ve seen what happens to smaller nations under that scenario….

    Hate to say it but this is probably the most sensible post thus far. Other than mine obviously.

    Free Member

    Both are very good but then those from Scotland have to insists on being the bestest because they say so. Since they are the best nothing can compare to them …

    Chewkew – the clue’s in the ‘e’ 😉

    The Scottish make whisky. The Irish make whiskey.

    You wanted everyone to drink the latter

    Since they are the best nothing can compare to them …

    Don’t be too complacent….

    Full Member

    Wasn’t Suntory voted the world’s best whisky recently? I think I remember reading that somewhere.

    Suntory. That’s made where? Is it a Speyside??

    Free Member

    zokes – Member

    Chewkew – the clue’s in the ‘e’

    The Scottish make whisky. The Irish make whiskey

    LOL! Did not notice that …

    D’oh! I better start hoarding them (whisky) now as I fear them banning me for blasphemy of the bestest drink in the world and sending hitman over the border.

    Free Member

    I think that refers to the scottish bankruptcy that led to the 1703 Act of Union.

    Indeed. I wonder how much the bailout, with 300 years of interest would be?

    Free Member

    Well, as it’s finally got a lot cheerier in here, I’d better finish my Australian dram and hit the sack!



    Full Member

    I’m loving the “Scots live on handouts from England” guff that gets bandied about. Either you’ve never heard the phrase “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones”, or else you’re living in denial about your own situation.

    It might have escaped people’s attention, but the whole of the UK is living beyond its means at the present time. Interestingly, the Beeb had some figures the other week which broke down which areas were most heavily subsidised. Interestingly enough, the most heavily subsidised area of the UK was London, population slightly over 5M, so before you get yourself tied up in knots worrying about the flow of money northwards, you might want to consider how everybody north of Watford is getting shafted by your capital city.

    Likewise, people who mock the idea of Scotland focusing on the oil industry might want to pause and reflect on the heavy emphasis placed on the financial sector, which is basically what rUK would be relying on to keep it going. In case anyone had forgotten, it’s screwed, and only likely to get worse. That of course is the real legacy of Thatcherism, an adventure in social engineering that was funded by the proceeds from Scotland’s oil, the true value of which was expressed in the McCrone report and deliberately hidden from the Scots population by successive governments until 2005.

    Free Member

    that was funded by the proceeds from Scotland’s oil

    It’s the UKs oil.

    Free Member

    DJ – lighten up and have a dram – all that anger isn’t good you know.

    As you said, either way we’re screwed, so have a sip of one of Scotland’s better inventions and be happy!

    Free Member

    That of course is the real legacy of Thatcherism, an adventure in social engineering that was funded by the proceeds from Scotland’s oil, the true value of which was expressed in the McCrone report and deliberately hidden from the Scots population by successive governments until 2005.

    It’s not Scotland’s oil – it’s Britain’s oil. Unless you think that RBS’s debt is Scotland’s debt?

    Free Member

    It’s not Scotland’s oil – it’s Britain’s oil. Unless you think that RBS’s debt is Scotland’s debt?

    Really? You want to do this again?

    Free Member

    I’m a Southern Irelander whose independence was gained by a very nasty war for independence, an even nastier civil war and partition that has resulted in too much pain and loss and poisoned relations between an awful lot of people for generations. This Irish model is pretty much the norm for these things.

    So however much money or oil has to be handed over or debt negotiated blah blah blah be thankful and take pride in the fact it will be a lot cheaper and more importantly, pain free, than the usual route.

    Free Member

    Consultation document just released on-line by the Scottish Government:


    Interesting that they propose keeping the Queen as Head of State.

    Free Member

    Relax D_J, you are being overly sensitive again. Plus you may need to relax before looking at the Riaghaltas na h-alba stat’s on the contribution of Financial Services to the Scottish economy 😉

    Full Member

    Interesting that they propose keeping the Queen as Head of State.

    She’s already got digs in Edinburgh, and a wee ‘fixer upper’ up on Deeside, so it’ll be cheaper than getting someone new in.

    Free Member

    Really? You want to do this again?

    If you like. We could once again have a go at explaining “you can’t have it both ways”.

    The simple fact is that who gets what is a matter of negotiation, not entitlement.

    Full Member

    ransos – Member

    I think that refers to the scottish bankruptcy that led to the 1703 Act of Union.

    Indeed. I wonder how much the bailout, with 300 years of interest would be?

    Posted 15 minutes ago # Report-Post

    Go and google “parcel of rogues” because you obviously know nothing about the act of union.

    Got to say zokes, hurtmore etc are all trying to pretend that it doesn’t matter to them, but have lot of increasingly far-fetched reasons why it couldn’t/shouldn’t.I have asked you this before when you were making an increasingly hysterical case for independence for the Shetlands, but why do you care if Scotland becomes independent?

    Zokes did make good point about choice of two evils,but why do you think a fedral German master would be any worse than the English one? And to this stuff about us being spoilt by English subsidies…A new high speed link from London to Brum…at the same time it is announced that the A9 is not going to be dualled till at least 2025,by which time another 200 people will have died on it. It would cost less than that increasingly white-elephantesque stadium that we are all getting to contribute money to.

    Full Member

    I love how out of all the previous post about our current economic situation, the trigger that people respond to is “Scotland’s oil”.

    Under the arrangements post the 1979 referendum, the income generated by the oil did indeed flow into the Exchequer, but my point was more about the broader situation that we all face. My concern is that people seem to be pretending that Scotland is somehow the sick relative of a healthy England, when in fact most of the UK is being bled to sustain London and the south east. It’s been set up that way since the early 80s, and the current government is set on continuing that arrangement. Does anyone actually believe for a minute that David Cameron actually cares about the Union, other than as a convenient cash machine for his paymasters in the City.

    My desire for an independent Scotland is because I can’t see any other way of escaping the sickness at the heart of the UK economy, even if it means I’m financially less well off for a good few years to come.

    Free Member

    Go and google “parcel of rogues” because you obviously know nothing about the act of union.

    I know that England bailed Scotland out because Scotland was incapable of administering its own finances. Can we have it back please?

    Free Member


    ditch_jockey – Member

    McBoo – seriously, do you have some kind of cognitive impairment that prevents you from processing the information that is presented to you time and time again? RBS currently has UK government as its majority shareholder as a consequence of the ‘bailout’ – The money borrowed to buy the shares, and the shares themselves are part of the overall assets and liabilities of the UK as a whole, and the SNP independence proposals accept that Scotland should shoulder a proportion of the liabilities as part of the arrangements.

    Conflating the RBS and oil revenues just adds to the obfuscation, whether it’s being done deliberately to cause mischief or because people simply can’t think clearly.

    Free Member

    Ransos – the oil is in Scottish territorial waters as defined in international law.

    Scotladn would take its 8% of the UK debt despite this debt being generated only in England and not in Scotland

    Free Member

    TJ – North Sea oil was developed and produced because of the UK government, not Scotland. Exactly the same logic applies.

    Free Member

    Ransos – the oil is in Scottish territorial waters as defined in international law.

    Scotladn would take its 8% of the UK debt despite this debt being generated only in England and not in Scotland

    1. There are no Scottish territorial waters, only UK ones.
    2. UK debt was generated in the UK.

    That’s why I say that it’s all about negotiation.

    Free Member

    Wasn’t Suntory voted the world’s best whisky recently? I think I remember reading that somewhere

    I’ve nothing to add to this debate politically, but I couldn’t let the above statement go unchallenged. Suntory? A giraffe is what you’re having, I think. I’d honestly rather drink Bells (and it takes something to make me say that).


    Current ‘everyday’ fave is Talisker 57 North – even at £50 a bottle it’s fantastic value, as it’s taken me a year to get through it.

    Free Member

    North Sea oil was developed and produced because of the UK government, not Scotland. Exactly the same logic applies.

    The North Sea was developed and produced by oil companies. The UK government sold the blocks and then taxed the produce. Pretty good deal for the UK taxpayer wouldn’t you say?

    Free Member

    Duckman – may I politely suggest that you re-read my posts to see what I have and, more importantly, have not said about Scottish Independence. Plus it is extraordinarily arrogant of anyone to assume that a potential break up of the Union is only a matter for the residents of Scotland. This issue matters to everyone in the Union, so please excuse me if I take an interest!

    D_J – at least that’s an honest statement. As for CmD bleeding the rest of the UK dry, makes you wonder how any of the politicians are explaining the welfare cuts mess to poor people in the Midlands and the North!

    Free Member

    Ransos – because of the separate legal system in Scotland when the north sea oil fields were starting to be developed they were split into Scottish, English and Norwegian territory.

    There are no UK oil fields unless you consider the English and Scottish ones combined to be UK

    Free Member

    There are no UK oil fields unless you consider the English and Scottish ones combined to be UK

    I do. England and Scotland are not separate nations.

    Free Member

    I’ve nothing to add to this debate politically, but I couldn’t let the above statement go unchallenged. Suntory? A giraffe is what you’re having, I think. I’d honestly rather drink Bells (and it takes something to make me say that).


    ‘Not only did Nikka’s Yoichi 1987 vintage beat dozens of other labels to claim the single malt title at last year’s world whisky awards – in Glasgow of all places – its rival distiller, Suntory, won the best blended whisky award with its 30-year-old Hibiki.’


    Free Member

    This issue matters to everyone in the Union, so please excuse me if I take an interest!

    Sarkozy and merkel to the forum please,

    Is this all unions or just the ones you like?
    Self determination trum,ps the union each time….if you disagree imagine letting Europe decide if you can leave or they got top force you into the Euro …still seem fair?

    Free Member

    I do. England and Scotland are not separate nations

    Home nations rugby and International sports just became a whole lot more confusing

    Free Member

    best blended whisky

    Ha ha ha ha ha. Contradiction in terms.

    Free Member

    JY – I’ve told you before about the smiley button. 😉

    I have also stated my view on self determination and if that was it, then fair enough. But off course, that is not quite what is on offer here, is it? So JY, you know me, just interested in the specifics and debunking pompous or incomplete arguments, especially from slimey politicians.

    Full Member

    Duckman – may I politely suggest that you re-read my posts to see what I have and, more importantly, have not said about Scottish Independence. Plus it is extraordinarily arrogant of anyone to assume that a potential break up of the Union is only a matter for the residents of Scotland. This issue matters to everyone in the Union, so please excuse me if I take an interest!

    But are we not subsidy rich spongers? And it is Scottish independence that is to be voted on? ie If we should want to leave the union we were forced into,not if England and Wales want to keep us.So why should the English have a say. The arrogance of the suggestion that you should get to decide the future of Scotland is a rallying call for the nationalist movement.Free from the burden of ScotlandEngland would apparantly be a land of high-speed rail links and honey,according to Zokes (who would appear to be in OZ)

    Has anybody ever seen Ransos and Kerasae in the same room at the same time? just asking like 🙄

    Free Member

    Plus it is extraordinarily arrogant of anyone to assume that a potential break up of the Union is only a matter for the residents of Scotland.

    It’s just like asking the wife for permission to divorce her, isn’t it? 😛

    Free Member

    on windows IE 6 or something at work it has no smilleys as an option 😉

    I can remeber that one and :rolls:
    and 😆

    Done to death surely by now]]England inteferring can only harm the union vote and that is what it will be seen as as that is what it is; it is not helpful

    I think narrow win fo rth eunion , huge win for devo max if allwoed [ I dont thinkl the SNP will do anything other than ask this tbh.

    The same rules, same referee line is weak even for a soundbite

    Free Member

    Home nations rugby and International sports just became a whole lot more confusing

    They already are – e.g. GB team for the olympics.

    For the purpose of international conventions, England and Scotland are not separate countries. For example, Scotland cannot join the UN.

    Free Member

    If we should want to leave the union we were forced into,not if England and Wales want to keep us.So why should the English have a say

    Scotland was “forced” into the union because of its own financial mismanagement. But I agree – independence should be a decision for Scotland alone.

    Full Member

    Scotland was “forced” into the union because of its own financial mismanagement.

    Points and laughs at ransos.

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