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  • Rugby world cup
  • IdleJon
    Full Member

    Timp, I have it on good authority that Wales are playing more warm-ups than usual because they have to revise the ‘rules’ of the game after a summer of being on the pop and having fights in Chip Alley.

    Full Member

    If you don’t consider priestland or stoddart as fullbacks then Wales only have one in the 45and he’s injured.not hopeful but backrow looks exciting. Williams (scot) is a pretty exciting 12 replaced Henson in last game, looks good but it seems like world cup is too soon.

    Full Member

    Lol, sorry a_a, my brain filtered Stoddart out in disbelief that he is still mentioned in the same phrase as ‘national team’.

    The commentators will say something like, ‘great counter-attacker’, deftly avoiding the appalling defence that he provides. Or doesn’t provide, if you see what I mean.

    His inclusion, like Charteris and Mitchell, shows how desperate Wales are becoming at a national level.

    Full Member

    Williams (scot) is a pretty exciting 12 replaced Henson in last game, looks good but it seems like world cup is too soon.

    That’s him – my mind was saying Steve Williams and I couldn’t place him.

    He has been included on the basis of two decent end of season games?

    Back row is indeed interesting, but imo the WC is too soon for Faletau. I hope to be corrected on Saturday.

    Full Member

    I thought Mitchell did well in the six nations. Andrews and bevington are shite mind. Toby might do well being a dragon has had plenty of game time. Hoping to see delve play next week.

    Full Member

    Gents, does anyone have a working stream for this game please? Also has anyone used the succesfully? Cureently in the US and having trouble finding this. Cheers muchly!

    Free Member

    thisa one usually works for me

    Free Member

    tj your link hasnt put the feed up yet..

    Free Member
    Full Member

    Missed that tackle and Sky wouldn’t show it…Link??

    Free Member

    hmmm. pains me to say, should have been wales game, after loosing jones and stoddardt the blacks should have waltzed this. Doff my leek to you taffy’s.

    nickname good link cheers.

    Full Member

    I dunno, both sides as bad as each other

    Free Member

    However, the real All-Blacks (oh alright, the Scottish Exiles)are looking bloody good, unlike the home nations.At least we won against Ireland, but we were rough.I still think we will be better than Argentina, thus reaching expectations. However compare the pace and tempo of todays games with the tear up this morning.Nobody from the Northern Hem can get too excited.

    Free Member

    Good win for Scotland. Why the difficulty in turning chances into scores tho? Loads of ball in the Irish 22.

    Looked rusty but willing. I hope Ansbo gains some confidence from that and shows he is the answer to Scotlands centre problems.

    Good performances from a few guys but rucking needs to be sharpened up / emphasised more

    Free Member

    I was watching the Ireland game and thinking how much more I prefer an open running game rather than the war of attrition between the packs (ex-winger see) when what did Scotland go and do?
    Beautiful try.
    50 X 100m sprints in training? 😯

    Free Member

    Yeah, a win for Scotland against any Ireland team has to go down as a big result for them. They should have had Ireland’s reserves put away by half time though. A 78th minute try to save the blushes wasn’t really what they’d have been looking for I guess. Argentina will be living their lips at that display today. 🙂

    Free Member

    I don’t think Argentina , Scotland and England are much of a muchness at all! Probably only Scottish people calling it a group of death. After watching nz v sa the other day though there is a gulf between north and south in terms of the intensity esp at the break down.

    Free Member

    Argentina will be living their lips at that display today.

    How does tht work then?

    Free Member

    Has Colin Charvis had botox? He’s looking good given his age.

    Free Member

    Not that much of an Irish reserve team DD. Still if that gives you an excuse,that’s fine.A big result for us is not beating you, it is beating Argentina. Our lineout and contact was rubbish;and will improve, yet you still could not beat us. Ireland looked slow,old and lacking in ideas.

    Full Member

    I thought an inexperienced Walsh team did well against a far more experienced england side, Wales had nothing on the bench either and pushed england all the way. Result came down to home advantage imo. England knocked on from kick off, enlish player picked up in front and scrum given should have been a pen. Ref then got it right from the next scrum when Felatau (looked in experienced but kept trying) knocked on wales player picked up in front and pen given!! How did walsh miss that knock on too???
    Tuilagi will be ruthelessly exploited by better teams and Flutey was totally anonymous. Need to see Delve and Henson play next week for Wales and Priestland was very good for a first cap. Have to wonder re Felatau and others how Wales playing England will prepare them for playing Samoa and Fiji the two teams they need to beat in the world cup. Felatau may get much more broken field runs against them.

    Watching Ireland Scotland as we speak 65 mins in its like watching two one legged men in an arse kicking contest. Scotland couldnt score in a brothel and at least ireland have the excuse of playing a second team.

    Full Member

    dont look if your squeamish
    poor bugger, full marks to Danny Care for refusing to carry on playing too.

    Free Member

    maxray – Member

    I don’t think Argentina , Scotland and England are much of a muchness at all!

    Really? Look at the IRB rankings and look at recent results between them. Very little to chose between them

    Free Member

    Only saw the Wales game through the highlights on the news and was pleased to see Wales playing rugby and scoring tries.

    Remember kiddies, if it can’t be Googled, it’s wrong.

    Really? Look at the IRB rankings and look at recent results between them. Very little to chose between them


    Full Member

    TJ, on todays showing and all we have seen in recent seasons Scotland are plain rubbish, England are however quite good and Argentina are a team in decline.

    Full Member

    I hope Ansbo gains some confidence from that and shows he is the answer to Scotlands centre problems.

    I thought Lamont looked a threat at 12 when he played there in the six nations, much better than Morrison.

    Free Member

    That will be the Scotland that in the last 3 games against England the results are a win apiece and a draw? The Scotland that beat a full strength Argentina team in Argentina twice? the Argentina team that beat England and pushed them close?

    England would be the favourites of course but anyone who thinks there is much between the three when you look at recent results and IRB rankings is daft

    Full Member

    With my blue filter on. I don’t understand how ireland don’t get penalised at the break down for being off their feet and not rolling away and having a loose forward on the wrong side of the ball. Almost every time. Anyone watching that will have the ball carriers driving low, too high in the tackle

    Free Member

    Yes, probably best to take the blue filter off. Ireland were just far better at the breakdown all day long. And @duckman, no excuses, I never like to see the green machine lose, but if you’re making out that that particular green machine was anything other than a reserves team (apart from a few positions) then you’re as deluded as TeeJ. I’m not exactly familiar with what Argentina have been up to recently, but given Scotland’s ineptitude at crossing the line given how much time they spent inside the 22 today, and Argentina’s reputation for steely defence, I don’t think Scotland gave them much to worry about.

    Free Member

    Darcy – all yo need to do is look at the results between the 3 teams in the last couple of years to see how close they are. that and the IRB rankings

    Ireland did give Scotland a lesson in the rucks for sure the defence generally was good.

    Free Member

    Tandem +1.

    Free Member

    Rankings shmankings! 😀 How many 6 nations have Scotland won, how far do they get in world cups? All will become clear once the group games get under way.

    Free Member

    Sorry TeeJ, I just meant deluded in general. But I agree the IRB rankings and results suggest there’s not much between the three.

    If it was the Argentina of the last RWC, Scotland would be in a shaky position, but like I said, I’m not up to speed on what they’re like at the moment.

    EDIT: The rankings also suggest the green machine are good for a semi final spot. 😀 So we know how much attention can be paid to those.

    Free Member

    maxray – Member
    Rankings shmankings!

    That’s right TJ. You can’t use actual, statistical analysis to back up your arguments. This is STW after all.

    Free Member

    You can make statistics say pretty much anything. To pit it simply, England are far more likely to win the world cup than Scotland or Argentina whatever the irb rankings say. 🙂

    Free Member

    Of course if we have to use the rankings there’s pretty much the same points difference between Scotland and Japan as england and Scotland 🙄 Nuff said. 😀

    Free Member

    I don’t think either Wales or England were particularly up for it. I have a feeling there’s an element of hustle going on here 🙂 As in, hold back, look poor so the other sides under-estimate you…

    Free Member

    Me no unnerstannn DD? We have an ineptitude at crossing the line, but did and beat your lot; how is that a positive for Ireland…That bodes well for your pensioners XV next month 😀
    And that was not a first choice Scotland XV either I am afraid.
    As an aside, the SRU are skint due to their decision not to use lottery funding to rebuild Murrayfield. That means they have had to cut their cloth when it comes to the three then two pro teams,this means that the districts are actually bringing on young talent. The Irish Provinces have players like Howlett boosting their pensions and taking up jumpers. How long can the IRFU sustain this, bearing in mind the well documented problems the southern economy has.The pro teams there do not get huge crowds outside of European games (Magners brings in anything from 4-8000 spectators,not enough to cover outgoings)

    Free Member

    Me no unnerstannn DD? We have an ineptitude at crossing the line, but did and beat your lot; how is that a positive for Ireland…That bodes well for your pensioners XV next month 😀 And that was not a first choice Scotland XV either I am afraid.
    As an aside, the SRU are skint due to their decision not to use lottery funding to rebuild Murrayfield. That means they have had to cut their cloth when it comes to the three then two pro teams,this means that the districts are actually bringing on young talent. The Irish Provinces have players like Howlett boosting their pensions and taking up jumpers. How long can the IRFU sustain this, bearing in mind the well documented problems the southern economy has.The pro teams there do not get huge crowds outside of European games (Magners brings in anything from 4-8000 spectators,not enough to cover outgoings)

    Full Member

    That will be the Scotland that in the last 3 games against England the results are a win apiece and a draw? The Scotland that beat a full strength Argentina team in Argentina twice? the Argentina team that beat England and pushed them close

    How many tries have that inept set of players that are called the scotland team scored in the last three years? You need to face facts TJ scotland are rubbish, England are much better and 9 times out of ten will beat scotland home or away. England are also quite a bit better than wales but thats another story.Scotland do not have a back who would be considered for a Lions squad and would also struggle to see more than two front 5 players considered.

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