Thanks. How do you get on with the inserts? Do they rub on the front lenses?
The inserts have a couple of benefits over direct glazing –
1. Cost, initial glazing and prescription updates and the ability for a lab with standard edging equipment to glaze.
2. Interchangable lenses for diffrent conditions, I have transition lenses glazed to an Oakley frame but they are only usable in certain conditions.
Mine have rubbed on the clear lenses I used for winter riding giving a small opaque 3.0 mm area after 4-5 years of use.
The rubbing is on the lower outboard egde of the rx insert, why it rubs may depend on the rx/base curve of the lenses fitted to the insert and how much the insert is bowed relative to the curve of the main frame lens.
They do a rimless rx insert now which may help to reduce this issue.
Hope this helps