Home Forums Bike Forum Rubber Queen 2.2 Black Chilli UST -v- High Roller 2.35LUST

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  • Rubber Queen 2.2 Black Chilli UST -v- High Roller 2.35LUST
  • JonEdwards
    Free Member


    Been using the Highrollers for donkeys years. but considering a change.

    This is to go on the front of the big (7″ travel) bike, getting ridden in the peaks. So lots of smashing through rocks at high speed.

    Needs to be a proper UST for feel and puncture resistance, and I don’t want something with easily slashed/cut sidewalls.

    How does the black chilli compound compare to the 60A highroller rubber? I’m guessing a bit softer (a good thing given how slidey Cavedale was yesterday), but what’s wear like?



    Full Member

    BC wears better as well as grips better, they’re a winner. Particularly good on rocks and in the wet I think.

    Full Member

    The black chili in the X-Kings is similar to 60a Maxxis in terms of grip but rolls a lot faster – wear doesn’t seem any better though. The black chili in the Rubber Queens is closer to 42a Maxxis in grip and softness but rolls at least as well as 60a Maxxis and wears better than either.

    Full Member

    Thought BC compound is the same in all Conti tyres, unless something’s changed?

    Free Member

    CGG speaks the truth: BC is different for each tyre, the needs of a xcj boy and a pyjama wearing DHer are quite different. My mk2s aren’t the same compound as my der kaisers

    Full Member

    Ok.. I only have RQ BC’s here. They’re good tyres anyway.

    Free Member

    High rollers have more edge grip when used as a front compared to RQ, but it depends on how you like the front of your bike i suppose as the RQ’s are more rounded profile etc….

    Free Member

    High rollers have more edge grip when used as a front compared to RQ, but it depends on how you like the front of your bike i suppose as the RQ’s are more rounded profile etc….

    THIS. ^^^^^ High Rollers still give me more confidence than any other tyre I’ve used when leant over.

    I also feel the high rollers hook up better on roots at the back.

    The RQ’s are a better all-mountain tyre though as the high rollers really do have more drag.

    Also, after two days of riding at Glentress my new front 42a High Roller looked much more battered with much more rounded edges than my rear 60a high roller. I can’t remember what the wear was like on the BC conti tyres though.

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