Home Forums Bike Forum Roof Rack or Tow Bar? …..sorry it's just not that exciting.

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  • Roof Rack or Tow Bar? …..sorry it's just not that exciting.
  • Jamie
    Free Member

    Filled out their quotation form….which is weird as I swear I have already given them a shout.

    Ah well, will see what comes back. So far no one has been under £200 yet.

    Free Member

    Tow bar all the way, the amount of people that drive into height restrictions and bikes that have fallen off roof racks is enough to convince me.


    Much more chance of having a rear end shunt than hitting a height restriction area. With the exception of material failure, you're bike should never fall off unless you are a spaz.

    Full Member

    I certainly wouldn't want my bikes on a towbar due to the rubbish standard of motorway driving that goes on.

    Nobeerinthefridge's comment about bike should not fall off – well mine did due to the Thule foot shearing (estate car) but it did stay attached to the Thule bike carrier. Don't get me started on Thule. 🙄

    The comment from the chap about not being able to reach a roof mounted carrier – my ex made a wooden step for me, very sturdy.

    I just put mine in the boot or wheels off and placed in a bike bag for holiday duties.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Thule 9705 – bargain!

    Indeed. It's the £200+ for the towbar that is smarting 😉

    Oh, and your link is borked.

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