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  • Riding on Low (zero) carb diet
  • tomhughes
    Free Member

    NO NO NO legspin!!!!!!
    Fat doesn’t make you fat and it doesn’t give you heart disease (I should know this one!)

    And calorie excess isn’t what makes you fat, its all about your hormones.

    I sense I am hitting a brick wall here so I’m going to give up.
    I’ll put up some links to the evidence by some very clever people, I guess my medical degree, the fact that I work in cardiology, the nutritional qualifications, the coaching qualifications, the degree in human exercise physiology just aint enough for some people!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    And yes you can run as well on fat as you can on carbs, easily. And how do you know what the pros do. I know of a number of pros who use this.

    Pro what? Darts players?

    Free Member

    If you cannot make time for seperate excerise then excerise needs to part of your daily routine e.g the commute to work. If this is not practicable then changing your cicumstances would be preferable to using a diet like Atkins to lose weight as it on thing to lose it but to keep it of means staying on a Atkins like diet that is no way to live. I do not know what your journey to work is like or the length of your working day, only you can decide if it practical to commute by bike for example.

    I thinks diets are a quick fix solution to problem that does not address the underlying problem. Adjust you daily routines to make exercise a part of your daily activities.

    Free Member

    In your post you didn’t say that at first the body does not run well on fat, you said it doesn’t run well on fat, full stop.

    I said it was an over simplification. The OP is wanting to do 90 miles this weekend, I can’t see that’ll be much fun.

    And yes you can run as well on fat as you can on carbs, easily. And how do you know what the pros do. I know of a number of pros who use this.

    Pro cyclists who eat no carbs at all? Not for recovery, before a big race, nothing. At all. Names please?

    I guess my medical degree, the fact that I work in cardiology, the nutritional qualifications, the coaching qualifications, the degree in human exercise physiology just aint enough for some people!

    Get over yourself. All of that is cancelled out by your need to use more than one exclamation mark/question mark.

    Free Member

    Wow tom your my hero *swoon*

    Free Member

    Get over yourself. All of that is cancelled out by your need to use more than one exclamation mark/question mark.
    This. Very much so.

    Free Member

    I know, I’m sorry about that. I just find it frustrating sometimes because I spend my day trying to stop people dying from heart disease that we know now is caused by something completely opposite to what we thought. It sounds silly but its a bit like finding God (not that I have). You feel so great about it and you want everyone to feel like you do, but no one will listen.

    Free Member

    I’ve dropped 10kgs in the last couple of years. Did it slowly.

    Much better to train your body to burn carbs than cut them out.

    Avoid processed starchy foods and go for whole grains, fresh vegetables, fruit etc. Cut out as much fat as possible and have cold pressed oils such as olive oil instead. Boost up low fat proteins.

    Untoasted oats are a really good fuel and when combined with nuts, seeds, dried fruit etc make a pretty tasty soaked muesli.

    Free Member

    you best get on the phone to the BHF Tom.

    Free Member

    Tom above is absolutely right, (similar credentials here) it’s all a bit of a hot topic in medicine at present, a very interesting subject. Have a read of Gary Taubes two books, “The Diet Delusion” for those that want a referenced academic read, or “Why We Get Fat” which is more accessible.
    Even the great Tim Noakes S African Sports Medic and author of the Lore of Running has changed his mind about the high carb diet for athletes issues recently.

    Also, you won’t die on no carbs, the Innuit manage pretty well (or did when they were on carb free diets of fish and seal meat), and there’s no such thing as a “fat burning zone”, there’s a burning more or less fat relative to glycogen and ingested carbs zone that’s all.

    I suspect the truth as ever lies in the middle, some carbs are ok for some/most of us and insulin resistance varies with age and genotype.

    (Blimey Tom took a bit of flak while I was typing am I going to get the same? Still feel he needs defending though).

    Free Member

    Trust me legspin, they are involved. Its just taking time.

    Free Member

    I know, I’m sorry about that. I just find it frustrating sometimes because I spend my day trying to stop people dying from heart disease that we know now is caused by something completely opposite to what we thought. It sounds silly but its a bit like finding God (not that I have). You feel so great about it and you want everyone to feel like you do, but no one will listen.

    I don’t really care, you’ve refuted most of the comments folk have made, despite taking them out of context, now name some of these pro cyclists who eat no carbs at all please?

    Free Member

    *bites lip*

    Free Member

    For clarification

    Amongst other reasons, the length of my commute and age of my children, and working hours (etc) means cycling to work is only possible during school holidays – which I do.

    Despite only seeing my child for 1.5 to 2 hours per day, I still find time for exercise on average between 4 and 5 times per week, ‘burning’ between 10k and 20k calories per month

    I completed more cycling miles than ever before last year as well as running nearly 500 miles and several half marathons (having never run before 2011). Losing over 70lb in the process. ( I now feel well versed in the virtues of eating sensibly and remaning active)

    I have taken up regular swimming this year in an effort to prepare for several Triathlon events this year.

    I am still 50lb+ from anything like the weight I want (and need) to be, and my Wedding (one of but not my sole inspiration) is approaching incredibly fast.

    I have studied (and am still studying) evidence to suggest that carbs are satan’s greatest success story, and am therefore keen to see what the body is capable of without them. Statements like those from TomHughes convince me more that I may not be on to a loser despite what the majority think.

    Free Member

    dying from heart disease that we know now is caused by something completely opposite to what we thought

    On a scale of 1 to 10 how sure are you that you’re right this time?

    If I’d asked you that before what would your number have been?

    Free Member

    *bites lip*
    Lips can contain starchy carbs, Dave, careful.

    Free Member

    Lips can contain starchy carbs, Dave, careful.


    Free Member

    Have a read of Gary Taubes two books, “The Diet Delusion”

    Or the american press version of the same: ”good calories / bad calories”

    One of the very books that has inspired me.
    I see that there are at least a couple of people whom have taken the time to read & understand current evidence based thinking toward diet.

    I think in time, everyone will come to realise that diet/nutrition as we have known it until now, is frankly wrong.

    Free Member

    It’s really simple. Find a way of eating that’s suits your body and run with it.
    I’ve found one that works for me, I’m happy. The OP is happy with his way.
    Because you think you know about the body or do it for a living doesn’t mean your right or wrong.
    Let people do what they want. Technically there is no wrong way if you have the desired result and are healthy.
    Basically we still know **** all on how the body works, which is a quote from someone I work with who you address as Prof.

    Free Member

    Basically we still know **** all on how the body works

    Is right. For instance, if I eat a sausage, a little bit later I do a poo. But if I eat a poo, I don’t do a sausage. Work that one out.

    Free Member

    phil, you’re absolutely correct we don’t know its right, we just know we were wrong. If I had to go with a number I’d say based on the evidence that has been presented in the past 2-3 months (this stuff is moving fast) I’d say I’m personally 9/10.
    But others are not so things are moving slowly.

    Njee, sorry I missed your earlier comment. The athletes in question are pro triathletes, not cyclists. But also as I said above, carbs have their place and these athletes use them. They just use them to aid they recovery and during the last stages of races where the dipping into the muscle glycogen has taken its toll.
    They are not using carbs in the traditional sense of carb loading and ingesting tonnes of carbs during the race. And no names I’m afraid it would be unfair to the athletes to disclose that.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    So you’re saying that energy is our primary energy source?

    You’re not wrong, I suppose.

    Thats a reading the post Fail

    I said, the body uses energy.
    Humans store energy in their body’s.
    One form of energy storage is body fat.

    *bites lip*
    LOL, alot !.
    Come on iDave. Surely you’ve learnt by now to laugh at some of the stuff being posted here.

    Free Member

    For instance, if I eat a sausage, a little bit later I do a poo. But if I eat a poo, I don’t do a sausage. Work that one out.


    Free Member

    so is this thread just a huge troll, or are most contributors blanking the last two years of stw diet advice?

    Free Member

    AndyP wins an award for the best contribution to this thread!

    But also as I said above, carbs have their place and these athletes use them.

    Aah, so what you mean is that you refuted my comment, came up with an outlandish statement, and then can’t back it up and actually agree with what I said 🙄

    Free Member

    if I eat a sausage, a little bit later I do a poo. But if I eat a poo, I don’t do a sausage. Work that one out.

    Take a step back and squint your eyes at the poo. Looks like a sausage, right?

    Free Member

    Take a step back and squint your eyes at the poo. Looks like a sausage, right?
    well, yes. But a veggie sausage, with all sweetcorn and that.

    Free Member

    so is this thread just a huge troll, or are most contributors blanking the last two years of stw diet advice?

    I think most people are taking the piss out of tomhughes for being a self aggrandising arse. Regardless of him being right or wrong.

    Free Member

    so is this thread just a huge troll, or are most contributors blanking the last two years of stw diet advice?

    I’ll have a go.

    Seems to me, that for a very long time, the advise was to eat a low fat diet and count the calories.

    Ignoring for a moment, what big business did upon this advise.

    The low fat thing seemed to be based on a study by a bloke called Ancel keys.

    Fast forward to the now, and it seems that Keys suggestion that high fat was bad. Was wrong.

    So, it now appears to this member of the general public.
    That we need to choose low GI foods, reduce the amount of sugar we consume AND do some moderate exercise.
    There appears to be no need to obssess over each and every calorie.
    The provinence of your food may be important.

    If you’re a race head, then you will need to adjust your diet to support your increased activity.

    If you try high intensity activities for prolonged periods of time on too few fast carbs.
    This may not bode well for your body.

    Please feel free to correct me, you medical types.
    I’m all ears / eyes, whatever.

    Free Member

    I tried iDave and failed, I have however made a few changed, deliberate effort to not eat carbs with meals and it’s had an impact certainly.

    Breakfast is always protein, usualy egg or fish based as they require the least effort to make something palatable in the mornings. If there’s no time I’ve found ‘milk protein’/’calcium ceasinate’ protein shakes work just as well, don’t know if they follow milk with an insulin spike but its got to be better than cereal and milk.

    Snacking I found I couldn’t avoid, but where previously I ate barely any fruit but lots of chcoclate/harribo/biscuits I now regulalry eat an apple mid morning instead of reaching for the hob-nobs. Not idave, but an improvement.

    Lunch and dinner I’ve almost completely abbandoned bread/pasta/rice/potatoes and subbed in either low carb alternatives, veg mash, just more veg or beans, or a combination of all 3, veggie bean mash is a new favourite! I now find carbs realy stodgy and can’t eat more than a handfull of rice or a small potato.

    Over time it gets easier and easier to skip out carbs, I’d hazzard a guess that cutting out ~150g a day just from meals cuts out the between meals cravings a fair bit.

    Free Member

    Come on Tom.

    This is STW, you’ve got to have a tough skin.

    Don’t let the others put you off.

    I’m reading your posts.

    Free Member

    The only thing I would add, to what seems like obvious commen sense above, is that the point of Atkins in my eyes is to proove that carbs aren’t actually required at all.

    I can understand the logic of pro atheletes using carbs as a tool to reload glycogen reserves & aid recovery, however this would break the keytosis cycle of someone wishing to burn only fat as a fuel – and lead to insulin spikes.

    Not a problem for someone with minimal body fat reserves, but different for fatties.

    Tom, id love to hear more of your experience and thoughts on the subject should you have time to write them down. Perhaps via email?

    Free Member


    I for one am getting your point.
    You’re experimenting, while trying to achieve a body weight goal.

    As others have pointed out.
    There is more than one way to get weight off.

    Each to their own.
    Good luck

    Full Member

    Having read a lot about this and living with a dietician, I’m with Tom.

    Having said that, no carbs is very, very difficult. Cutting out rice, potatoes and sweets etc is fine and obvious, but there are plenty of carbs in most fruit and vegetables including peas, carrots, beans etc.

    Low fat is generally acknowledged to be bad though now. There are essential fats; there are no essential carbs.

    It continuously intrigues me as to why people assume that dietary fat = body fat.

    The countries which have the highest fat intakes (Japan, Switzerland, France) have some of the lowest levels of heart disease.

    When exercising at a high level though, it seems carbs are required as they can be absorbed and “burnt” much faster than other energy sources. You can only “burn” fat at a fairly low rate and that rate is not high enough to ride say a mountain stage of the tour – however well you body has adapted.

    Also bear in mind that that 2.2lb (1kg) of body fat contains 9000 calories so losing 1kg of body fat a week is still a pretty big effort and about the most which is sustainable and healthy. Adult intake is 2000-2500 calories a day so that gives you an idea of why losing body fat is difficult!

    Free Member

    the thing I don’t get is why you want to **** about “experimenting” with your diet. Eat healthily, make sure you exercise, and you’ll be fine.

    I’m saying this as a diabetic, so I’m always working out if I’ve had enough carbs, too much sugar etc. Why you’d do it if you don’t have to is beyond me.

    Free Member

    I tried iDave and failed

    So now you do iDave plus an apple – that’s how it appears from your description?

    Free Member

    I get the whole fat thing, but if your greedy and eat to much fat you will still put weight on?

    Free Member

    It continuously intrigues me as to why people assume that dietary fat = body fat.

    Reminds me of something I read somewhere ( so I could be wrong) about breakfast. Years ago everyone was told to “go to work on a egg”. Then there was a study in the 70’s saying that they were the work of the devil, high in fat and cholesterol so avoid like the plague. Far better to have cereal. The nation bought it hook, line and sinker. Who funded the studies? Kellogg’s 😯 don’t know about you lot but if that’s true I’d call that a master stroke.

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