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  • Riding on Low (zero) carb diet
  • ditch_jockey
    Full Member

    the reason that you end up 6 stone overweight is by not thinking about the shyte that you put in your body, and the damage that it is doing to you.

    Amen to that brother Ton!

    As someone who’s weight has gradually crept up since my mid-twenties, despite intermittent attempts to implement a low fat/high carb diet, this whole discussion is a bit of a revelation. I watched the YouTube video iDave recommended (and a couple of others in the same series), which was fascinating stuff, although i was a bit out of my depth with some of the biochemistry. One of the things that occurred to me as I watched it was that I used to eat loads as a kid, but didn’t put on much weight, possibly because most of it was home cooked from scratch by my mother to cater for my dad’s taste – he was a “meat and two veg” man (ahem), and grew a lot of the veg himself. Most of our meat came from the local butcher, and was sourced locally in Aberdeenshire. I also grew up in the “Go to Work on an Egg” era, so thinking back, our diet was probably a lot more “iDave” than it has been since I left home, started cooking for myself and started to prioritise convenience over quality.

    The wife and I have gradually switched over to an iDave diet over the last week, and overall I’m enjoying the food at the moment – I knocked up a nice sausage and bean casserole in red wine sauce last night, and we had it with turnip, carrot and parsnip mash. Breakfast is going to be the big challenge, as I’m used to eating porridge or Dorset Cereal with fruit and yoghurt, and it takes a bit of time to break down the inhibition that having scrambled eggs isn’t ‘bad’. The first couple of days were a bit weird in terms of hunger, but I’m already finding that I don’t have a particularly big appetite at lunchtime – I had a couple of small gram flour flatbreads and some humous for lunch today, and tbh I could have skipped it without to much trouble. The most surprising thing for me is that my “sweet tooth” seems to have disappeared very quickly; I haven’t drunk fizzy juice for years, but I was a bit addicted to decent ice cream and would rarely end a meal without some – if the insulin resistant hypothesis under discussion here is correct, then I guess I’ve been making weight loss practically impossible by the addition of a scoop of ice cream at the end of each meal!

    In terms of benefit, it’s obviously very early days, but I weighed myself this morning and I’ve dropped 4 lbs since Tuesday, which is on par with iDave’s indicated outcome. I’d be happy if I could sustain something close to that on an ongoing basis.

    Free Member

    Low carb diet is good but, I think fats and proteins are the substitute of low-carb diet. The main thing is that dietary fat does not convert into body fat, but carbohydrates convert into body fat. So enjoy low-fat diet.
    Isabel De Los Rios

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