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  • Respect for the departed
  • aracer
    Free Member

    I thought this was going to be a thread about JY.

    Full Member

    Not many people in the US or UK mourned the sad death of Osama Bin Laden, either. He was also a leaer of stature.

    Full Member

    State Military Honours surely due?

    Free Member

    Junkyards gone?

    Full Member

    He is 🙁

    I was going to resurrect the Cyprus/Euro thread in light of this morning news of another 6 billion needed for the bail out. But what would be the point? I simply don’t have the will! I miss JY 😥

    Free Member

    Junky cant be gone surely?

    What happened, did he overload the quote function?

    Free Member

    i blame thatcher.

    Free Member

    Gorn? You mean as in dead? Or as in baynned?

    Free Member

    http://singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/the-left/page/3#post-4874053 is the most obviously confrontational of his last posts – though nothing I can see there which is any worse than what is posted all the time. Maybe the mods deleted the offending post – though I suspect it might be for similar reasons to TJ, that he provoked others into writing naughty things, though I’m not sure I’ve even seen much sign of that recently.

    Though I imagine I’m being very naughty discussing this.

    Full Member

    I’m holding 2 mins silence at 12:00 for JY.

    Full Member

    I honestly dont get why I should show respect for someone who is dead when I didnt respect them when they were alive… does that make me evil. Ding Dong etc 😆

    Free Member

    I’m holding 2 mins silence at 12:00 for JY.

    Agreed, although I have no one here to talk too anyway

    Full Member

    It’s a bizarre one right enough. For some of us it’s hard enough being responsible for our own mutterings, let alone someone else’s.

    Full Member

    The weird thing is, I find out about who has been banned and why from the ‘infamous’ FB page of the greatest living banned STWer. Posting here is a bit living under a South American Dictatorship, people just ‘disappear’ and no one knows why or where……

    Free Member

    How do you know he’s been banned?

    Full Member

    Sorry, but this is getting ridiculous.

    Junky is no more offensive than the majority of posters who hold strong opinions, political or otherwise.

    I’m also a bit flummoxed as to why the ‘And this week’s number 1’ post was closed with the comment

    We’ve let one thread on this topic remain for people to express their varied opinions on this matter so this one is now closed.

    I never knew we were only allowed one thread per topic.
    I’ve e-mailed the mods last night for some clarification but not received a reply as yet.

    Full Member

    How do you know he’s been banned?

    I have a trusted source aka the ’STW Oracle’

    Full Member

    Ironic then that this thread was an attempt to start another and hasn’t been closed (yet 😉 )

    Free Member

    Applications sought for new dog to chew the bone, must have 36 hours per day available, internet access at all times. Blinkers provided. 😀

    Has be really been banned?
    That would be a great shame, I struggled with the typos at times but at least he discussed things in a reasonable and sensible fashion, unlike some from both sides of the recent debate who still seem to be around.

    Hope it’s TTFN not Goodbye.

    Free Member

    mleh world receives another refugee?

    Free Member

    Is mlehworld still going?

    Free Member

    Ah, just googled it and it is.

    Full Member

    Just to clear this up… a bit..

    It was not an individual post that served as the final straw rather evidence we were supplied that showed that JY, along with others were coordinating a planned trolling campaign by email in the background. ie. deliberately setting up threads to ‘kick off’ so to speak.. mostly with the explicit intention of winding up the moderators.

    That’s happened in the past and we won’t tolerate it. That sort of immature, time wasting behaviour has a direct impact on our ability to do our jobs. People behind the scenes here are paid to produce Singletrack and this kind of crappy, low level, scheming means I have to pull staff off more important jobs to back up our volunteer moderators to monitor and act to stop these idiots.

    I mean, come on! Who plots and schemes to disrupt a forum about bikes. It’s a forum about bicycles – perhaps some perspective and help is needed. It’s time all the stupid coordinated trolling nonsense that happens on and off this forum stops.

    Free Member

    These are the editorials the Daily Mail ran

    Nuff said.

    Now, about JY? Is he really banned?

    Full Member

    I wasn’t even aware that type of thing went on 😳 Why am I never invited to these things?

    Free Member

    Me neither 😯

    Free Member

    if that’s true (plotting via email), then yes it’s absolutely ridiculous and shows a total lack of perspective on the part of some people.

    Free Member

    JY back at his lair

    Free Member

    It was not an individual post that served as the final straw rather evidence we were supplied that showed that JY, along with others were coordinating a planned trolling campaign by email in the background. ie. deliberately setting up threads to ‘kick off’ so to speak.. mostly with the explicit intention of winding up the moderators.

    That’s a bit naughty. I wonder who grassed him?

    Free Member

    Given the 50+ comments I saw on fb about STW by the big hitter bannee list, I’d say that lack of perspective is a given 😉

    Free Member

    How did it come the attention of the Mods?

    Full Member

    who are the others?

    Lets do a role call:

    here sir

    Full Member

    If true it’s pretty pathetic really. I mainly stay out of the “big argument” threads now due to the obvious trolling, not to mention the posters who grab hold of a bone and then never let go. Is that really how people get their kicks these days?

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Mark – Seriously? That’s the most desperately sad thing I’ve ever heard!

    It makes the everyday use of my time look positively constructive! And that takes some doing! 😯

    Free Member

    speaking of kicks, i need to update the naked home working thread

    Full Member

    Oops. Double post

    Free Member

    STW; argue can kiss my ass (and the poster is invited to do the same).
    Edit; ah, it’s Fred. Still a cock then. Let it go, man. People don’t like you. My email is in my profile if fred would like to discuss it further.
    And for the record, I did not report JYs posts. I never have. I am sorry that he’s banned, we bickered a couple of times but have also exchanged perfectly pleasant emails.
    I certainly have no reason to bare a grudge, it was fair sport and I for one would like to see him return.

    Free Member

    y’know, i actually know johnnie/JY in person and i find it difficult to believe that background collusion took place. i think it’s more likely he’s been set up somehow.

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