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  • Repairing Zips
  • shalmaneser
    Free Member

    Hi Guys,

    Haven’t been on here in a while, back in my day all this was just fields…mind you I think the separate forums are a pretty good idea too long in coming!

    Anyway, thought I’d mine the knowledge of the STW massive.

    Basically I have a jacket much like

    And the zip is knackered – its one of those water resistant zips, like you get on technical shell jackets – My Altura cycling jacket has something very similar.

    As I say, the zips buggered near the bit where you start to zip, at the bottom. Has anyone had any experience fixing these zips, I’d rather not have to buy a new jacket as the ‘broken’ one is perfectly good bar the zip…

    Anyway, thanks in advance if anyone can help!

    Free Member

    Hmmmm, Google seems to think THESE people are OK… Anyone got any experience with them or anyone similar?

    Just thought I’d wack up the link if anyone had a similar question…

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