Depends how strong the relationship was and what that person meant to them.
Offensive, simplistic bollox!
(EDIT: Just seen Hora’s subsequent post, which makes more sense, but my reaction to original statement remains)
Mrs mW is terminally ill and while she is alive I will do everything I can to make her remaining time with me as happy, comfortable and fulfilling as it can possibly be. When she dies I don’t honestly know how hard it will hit me or for how long I will feel governed by that grief. I have a suspicion that due to the length of the illness and the fact that i seemed to spend a long time coming to terms with the reality at the time of the original diagnosis that the transition might not hit me as heavily as if the death had been a sudden one but I won’t really know until it happens.
What I am sure about is that neither of us would want the other to waste a moment of their life. In the same way that I would glady do everything and anything for her now, it’s her wish that I shouldn’t waste time moping around once she’s gone. It might be that i don’t meet anyone else for years if at all which would be fine as up unit recently I was happier than anyone can realistically expect to be. The concept that there should be some kind of ‘holding period’ to satisfy the feeling of people that remain some distance from the real emotions is one that i have no intention of adhering to.