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  • relationship Q, kids and getting on with the OH
  • MoreCashThanDash
    Full Member

    Am I the only bloke that agrees with the girls the cookeaa’s strategy is a bit weird? If I had to take over running my wife’s foibles like that, within a year I’d realise I hated babysitting the wife AND the kids and I’d go completely insane and/or ballistic

    Free Member

    Not more than some women do for their other halves im sure. If it works for them dont knock it

    Full Member

    adjustablew(r)ench – it’s cookeaa’s wife that appears to be a narcissist, not him, due to apparent self-centred and unthinking behaviour

    I have to say that if my partner was a scatty and ineffectual as cookeaa says his is she would need to have some pretty amazing redeeming features to have kept my attention long-term. Either that, or my own flaws would be suitably sized and sufficiently obvious that I saw it as a fair bargain!

    Free Member

    I seem to spend large amounts of time just annoyed or angry with her

    er…i think you’ve answered yourself here, no?

    Free Member

    Trailertrash – if you want to say big tits just come out with it !

    Free Member

    Maybe she is a good mum but just not great at running things smoothly? Maybe im just too used to having to deal with children to be so judgemental – like I say it works for them

    But not helping work out what’s making soul2soul so angry …

    Full Member

    hels – :O) I knew someone was going to say that, but I’m not a tit man…

    Full Member

    Ultimately I suspect soul2soul isn’t doing what he wants to do with his life. That could change in all sorts of ways. But you have to own your choices to get anywhere.

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