Home Forums Chat Forum Recommend me some uplighters

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  • Recommend me some uplighters
  • footflaps
    Full Member

    Having been quoted some obscene prices for Uplighter hire (didn’t even mention it was a wedding, but an Aug date sort of gives it away), it looks like I can buy a decent set for less than a WE hire fee. The plan being to just sell them on Ebay afterwards.

    So anyone used any e.g. thinking about these:


    And Linking 4 or 5 together to bathe the walls of a room in colour for a ceilidh….

    Full Member

    After literally hundreds of recommendations from STW, I plumped for six of these:

    American DJ Mega Tripar[/url] by brf[/url], on Flickr

    If it’s dry tonight I’ll be hooking all six of them up in sync in the garden for a test….

    Full Member

    They actually worked quite well on the day, they were the only light it the barn and we synced all six up so they changed colour together. Gave a nice atmosphere for the Ceilidh / Barn dance.

    Ceilidh at Dove Barn[/url] by brf[/url], on Flickr

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