Home Forums Bike Forum Recommend me some mudguards please

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  • Recommend me some mudguards please
  • For my Boardman ADV 9.0.

    It has hidden mounting points as they call them. Half way up the inside of the forks, back of the fork crown, bottom of seat stays front middle of the chain stays and back of seat stay brace – the latter would suit an upright tab that you’d see on a front mudguard


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    SKS Longboards.

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    Always recommend SKS here, they seem to last.

    Full Member

    Not sure that SKS still do the longboards. I’ve recently been looking with no success.

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    I like the matt finish and squarer profile of SKS edge, I think they would suit the Boardmans looks.

    Free Member

    SKS Edge AL are the best. If there’s not a hole where the mounts are on your frame, you just drill one. The stays are very adjustable too.

    Free Member

    Had a few of the SKS variants but they were for a bike that had no mounts and consistently rattled, it sent me nuts. When I got a new bike for winter duties I made sure it had dedicated mudguard mounts and settled on a pair of kinesis fend off. Fantastic purchase, extremely quiet and coupled with the flaps make a huge difference to keeping clean and dry.

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    SKS edge al

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    Can’t believe the £1500 Ti ones haven’t been mentioned!

    What This Bike Needs… Is $1500 Mudguards?

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    Sks edge  I found problematic with mid fork mounts- the stays weren’t long enough and I had to extend them.

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    The square shape of the Edge AL doesn’t play nicely with a rounded shape fork crown. You have to go narrower than you might otherwise choose. They are great if you’re not wanting to max out your tyre size though.

    Free Member

    SKS Chromoplastic/Bluemel etc are the usual go to, and are pretty reliable, but won’t last forever. If you are prepared to spend a bit more, PDW Full Metal Fenders are very good; light, rigid and nice long mudflaps which help keep the spray off you (and other people).

    Free Member

    Kinesis fend offs on both my road bikes. I much prefer them to SKS.

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    SKS Al on an adv 8.9 here. As others have said the stock stays aren’t long enough for mid fork mount, I had to buy extended stays. The square profile isn’t ideal with the fork but I did manage to fit 40mm tyres in there. I would look at something else if I was buying again for this bike.

    Free Member

    On my commuter the sks ones and others with riveted aluminium bridges started to rattle and eventually failed there. A mix of fatigue and corrosion.

    The ones I have had success with were lifeline. There are some on Evans but not enough pictures to know for sure. However, it looks like a generic design and Giant offer the same.


    I find the way the supports attach to the plastic much more robust and rattle free.  They’ve been adjustment free for 3 years where as the sks ones would normally have broken in this time.

    Full Member

    Having had two sets of SKS Bluemels shake themselves to pieces, I’d ponied up the extra cash for some PDW Full Metal Fenders.  I only have 1 ride on them so far, but they’re MUCH more rigid and thus silent compared to the SKS.  They also don’t have those flimsy yet difficult to cut down mounts and can be totally adjusted using allen keys whereas SKS need a 6mm(?)  spanner.

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    SKS Chromoplastic/Bluemel

    Chromoplast I lasted 15 years on my road/ commuter bike. 2000 to 2015. Original on the back, original front replaced when a car pulled Infront of me and wrote the fork and mudguard off.

    Bluemels in plastic are 2000 miles/1.5 years in on current commuter bike.

    Downsides- taking the wheels off and putting them in the car shifts them slightly and requires a 2 min huff and faff when getting them out.

    Leave a lot longer than expected to fit them

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    PDW’s. I lost the love for SKS after the third rear Chromoplastc snapped at the brake mount. Lovely when mounted, effective, good fittings, but they always snapped at the same place. The PDW’s have been solid and not had any issues. They also looks good.

    Curiously, a set from Tortec have never failed and they are black plastic too. Lasted four years on Son2’s Uni bike and still going. I upgraded the fittings to the SKS ones I had left over. SKS fitting are excellent. I use the quick release front ones on the rear of the fixed wheel because you have to remove the back wheel backwards not down.

    Free Member

    +1 for PDW’s. Have been very secure on the commuter,.

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    I thought the Edge Als could be good but they use an internal stay fixing – looks sleek but it’s a clog point and a deal breaker for me if you want guards to cover well and not clog without being too far off the tyre. Clogging less of an issue for a pure road bike but still, mud and grit on lanes builds up at points like that inside the guard.

    Best results I’ve had have been either SKS P45s on my Equilibrium rim-brake bike used as a winter trainer (14 years old, regular use for at least 7 of those years) and Velo Orange smooth Al guards where I replaced the stock stay mount with a Honjo-style U-bracket fixing for more toe room. I’ve had some good guards from suppliers in Asia but they didn’t seem to last as well, cracked due to UV aging of the plastic I think. SKS don’t seem to have that issue, imho they only crack if they flex a lot in use or aren’t fitted in a stress-relieved way (hairdryers can be great there).

    I’d go for PDW if I wanted something that colour rather than raw Al silver, based on how good the VO Al guards have been.

    Free Member

    Even though the PDW always get well reviewed, 120 quid for mudguards, ouch!

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    I hate the sks edge al due to the mounting of the stays to the guard being under the guard and hence your have to have the guards miles away from the tyre to get any sort of clearance to the stay. Really horrible design imo.

    Kinesis fend offs

    These are great! Stays long enough to bend to the mid fork mount.

    Full Member

    Just in case anyone’s interested in the Lifeline wides from Evans but out off by the lack of description, I took a punt for £18 delivered and they’re great. Super easy to fit and feel really robust. They even look pretty smart too. What’s not to like?

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