That honey roast lamb looks good.
I do a lamb leg curry occasionally, fry mustard seeds, cumins seeds, onions and peppers in seperate pan. Put some oil in a baking tin on a hob get it good and hot add all your spices/garlic and fry for a minute, then seal the lamb leg all over in it. Add 1lb or so of chopped tomatoes, lob in the contents of the other pan. (that’ll do if you want a fresh homemade type curry but for extra sauce I also add 2 tins of conc. pataks tikka masala) Cover and bung in oven at g.m.4 for 5hours+ turn meat every half hour (cook lower and for longer if you have time). Add loads of rough cut fresh coriander and a bit of double cream at the end, meat will fall off the bone, then you can shred it or roughly chop it up for serving. (with rice and naan of course)
1tsp ground cumin
1/2tsp garam masala
1/2tsp tumeric
2tsp tandoori powder
1/2-1tsp chilli (or fresh chopped)
1tsp ground coriander
1tsp paprika
2-4 cloves garlic
1tsp salt
1/2tsp sugar
1tsp ground black pepper
(the cream smooths the taste, if you don’t fancy it you can add lime juice before it all goes in the oven for a slightly different taste)