(camo16, have you finished your opus yet?)
thebunk, it may be resurrected one day… I’m more interested at the moment in an STW murder mystery (best-seller to cover all bases).
In the meantime, suck on this, John Dryden:
How fine Ian looked this morning! How his mane swished in the cool dawn breeze, as if in slow-motion. How Derek longed to stroke it.
“Hey Ian,” said Derek. “I like the plaited tail thing you’ve got going on. Very ABBA.”
“Oh hi Derek,” Ian replied, taking a step backwards. “I swear I’ll never get used to this whole ninja approach thing… and stop staring at me like that. You’re making me nervous.”
“Easy, easy, easy,” Derek soothed. “I promise I’ll take it easy.”
“Swear?” said Ian. “I’ve got three miles of galloping to get through before 11 o’clock so I can’t afford to be sore.”