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  • Reactions to a fat bike
  • Grizla
    Free Member

    Inspired by Ed Oxley’s video in the mini movies, I thought I’d share some of my (as yet limited)experiences of people’s reactions to my Fatty.

    First off, my riding buddies. Everyone had a smart comment. Mostly they were curious, but they had to take the pee a bit (I don’t mind this at all btw.) Those that had a go on it liked it.

    Non biker reactions have been great, mostly curious, wanting to know why the big tyres, and is it hard to pedal etc. I’ve had a few burst into laughter at the sight of it, which I don’t get, but I’m glad to spread a bit of joy!

    I reckon the only reactions that have been a bit odd have been those of other mtbers. Mostly comments along the line of “I bet it’s heavy”, “I bet it’s rubbish in mud”, “..but it only snows a couple of days of the year” etc. mostly negative stuff. It makes no odds to me, but I would have expected bikers to be a bit more curious. It’s all bikes, after all.

    (intended as an observation, not a rant.)

    Full Member

    Lets face it, in this country 90% of the people that buy a fat bike do it for the attention :p

    Full Member

    I don’t have one but when trailbuilding at glentress, there’s a guy that seems to do the red every saturday on one, and the reactions are always great. The people that have a problem with it seem to be the same people that have a problem with everything- you’ve got too much travel, you’ve got too little, those tyres are rubbish, etc etc- only interested in things they can slag off.

    Free Member

    Edit: @FuzzyWuzzy

    I guess if that’s the perceived wisdom it would explain the put downs.

    It was never my reason for getting one though…

    Free Member

    The people that have a problem with it seem to be the same people that have a problem with everything- you’ve got too much travel, you’ve got too little, those tyres are rubbish, etc etc- only interested in things they can slag off.

    tiny penised **** is the correct scientific classification

    Full Member

    fat bikes should be for fat blokes………17 stone or above 😀

    Free Member

    I’ve had a few burst into laughter at the sight of it, which I don’t get,

    It’s a clown bike, it’s ment to encourage laughter.

    Free Member

    It’s a clown bike, it’s ment to encourage laughter.

    Yeah, that’s the sort of thing.

    Free Member

    fat bikes should be for fat blokes………17 stone or above


    Free Member

    I spoke to a Scottish bloke who did the Dragons Back at CyB on one a few years ago. He let me have a go and in the 30m I rode it, it didn’t feel heavy and the wheels turned easily.

    Can see the attraction but it wouldn’t be in the top 5 bikes I want.

    But if anyone was to lend me one for the weekend I’d happily ride it. 😀

    Free Member

    fat bikes should be for fat blokes………17 stone or above

    Aye… Sadly, I am.. 😳

    Free Member

    My mate Gary had a brilliant reaction from a wee boy out with his Dad.

    “Daddy, I don’t want a bike like yours. I want a bike like that!”

    I borrowed his Moonlander and found folk to be genuinely curious and interested. It’s so unusual to see one that the average punter is strangely drawn to it. For me, it rode like a bike but with the added bonus of a huge grin on my face. It just made me laugh. I never thought I wanted one and then I tried it and have now ordered one. Oops!

    It’s a bike that opens up riding opportunities. Sure it’s a bit niche but so are lycra, carbon wheels and skinny tyres. Ha! Ha!

    Free Member

    Lycra isnt niche its a necessity

    Free Member

    All the talk about them on here has made me genuinely curious. I hear people talk about the grin factor with them. So what is the sensation with them that makes them so enjoyable to ride?

    I could do with something niche.

    Free Member

    So what is the sensation with them that makes them so enjoyable to ride

    For me, I think its the fact that it doesn’t ride the way it looks..
    Its actually brilliant,not at all cumbersome, and wallowy..
    Sure, Nates are draggy on the flat stuff, but they grip to the trail like shit to a blanket.

    You cna throw them around, and it just kinda works.. it cuts through mud and gloop perfectly, and, well, It’s really, really great fun.

    Grab a go on one. It may not be the most practical bike ever, but it is the most fun.

    Love mine, infact, its my most Go-to bike at the minute..

    Free Member

    fat bikes should be for fat blokes………17 stone or above

    I’m 12 stone, the tyres make my bum look small.

    Full Member

    Attention whores phad phollowers moaning about attention 😆


    Free Member

    Houns – can’t afford one?

    Or small penis.

    Free Member

    I’d quite like to have a try on a fat bike, but alas, I don’t know any riders with one 🙁

    Full Member

    Al, you should know, small penis, was like throwing a rock up an alleyway when we slept together

    Free Member

    I can see the attraction, especially if its better in the mud.

    Free Member

    I actually think there pretty cool and living in East Lothian there are loads about here. I think Coastkid’s vids have done a lot to make them much more popular especially in this area and everyone who has bought one certainly gets there value for money . I have been guilty of ripping the piss out of beach riding buts its purely been a bit of banter between myself and Yodagoat. 😆 The other day we were out for a ride when a wee boy sledging shouted at yodagoat as he rode past “Look at the size of the wheels Mum” , I swear to god I saw the rider of the bike stick his chest out and possibly get a semi at the same time. 😀
    Would I buy one ? , Probably yes If I came into some money but only after I had bought at least 3 other bikes that I really want.

    Free Member

    I can verify the semi. Fatbikes are awesome. Everyone knows that apart from a few poor fuds on here who have wee nobs and no baws.
    That’s why everyone that sees them smiles.

    Full Member

    I rented one in Moab, cos why not. Groovy looking white and green Salsa Mukluk. Hot day, and some decent riding tops in the luggage, but with that bike, it had to be the heavy flannel green and white check shirt.

    I felt like a celebrity fo two days, genuine enthusiasm from literally everyone I met. 3 or 4 had a go, including Mr Rene Wildhaber, who eventually caught me at the end of Procupine Rim, once I’d slowed up a bit near the car park. 😉

    Full Member

    Three of us did a few nights looping around Glen Etive last year and fully laden fat bikes were just the right tool for the job on the mixed terrain; boggy, rocky, beaches, shoreline, track and trail.

    But I do agree that there is a ‘look at me’ element to many folk having and riding them, and some people in the fat bike ‘community’ do take themselves far too seriously.

    Free Member

    Pugsly snow ride[/url] by yodagoat[/url], on Flickr
    look at mine.

    awesome eh?

    I know for a fact it gives you a semi househusband.

    Full Member

    ” a ‘look at me’ element”?

    To riding this? How very dare you!?

    Full Member

    In your case, Mike, it’s you and not the bike that turns me on..!


    Full Member

    I was pootling up and down my street tweaking the indexing on my gears. A delivery van driver nearly went through the windscreen as he braked beside me. Thinking he had a parcel for me I crossed to him.
    “I just wanted a look at your bike, what is it!!” says he with a big grin.
    He thought it was ace and had never seen anuything like it, as have most people.

    Other bikers haven’t been negative but definately a bit sceptical about how hard they must be to pedal.

    One day on a spin down by the river on a local loop I was revelling in my nicheness when I passed a huge wheeled unicyclist coming the other way taking bike weirdness to a whole new level. 🙂

    Free Member

    fat bikes are pish. Nothing to see here. Go to Wrexham and that BMX track place, that’s where all the cool bikes are.

    Full Member

    For me the big downside of mine is all the freaking questions i get about it.
    So much so that i tend not to ride it anywhere there will be loads of people about. Or just take it out on night rides.

    Free Member

    For me the big downside of mine is all the freaking questions i get about it.
    So much so that i tend not to ride it anywhere there will be loads of people about. Or just take it out on night rides

    then why do you have that siren and flashing light on your helmet when riding it ?

    Free Member

    Full Member

    then why do you have that siren and flashing light on your helmet when riding it ?

    That helps with almost starting a fight in the boozer after.

    As you well know Matt.


    You look different in that clip.
    Have you grown your hair or something?

    Free Member

    That helps with almost starting a fight in the boozer after.

    As you well know Matt.🙂
    I know what you mean, I just ignore most peoples comments now and try to avoid eye contact 8)

    Full Member

    its like the early days of mountain biking all over again,
    i remember being asked these type of questions repeatedly back in the late 80s when i got my first mountain bike.
    wtf is that?
    is it heavy?
    where do you ride it?
    can i have a go?
    took about 5 years til mtb was mainstream.

    Free Member

    In your case, Mike, it’s you and not the bike that turns me on..!

    Back off Househusband….he’s already spoken for 😯

    MESSAGE TO YODA. Have you been round to look at my frame yet ?


    Full Member

    Back off Househusband….he’s already spoken for 😯

    We could share..? There is plenty to go round, after all… 😆

    Free Member

    Thats a low blow…….

    Full Member

    You can only wish for a blow that low…

    Besides, need I remind you that at the end of our last bike ride I caught you in the kitchen with your ass in the fridge – and you told me it was so I’d have ‘something cool to slip into’..?

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