This isn’t capatalism nor is it free-markets – its simple BS.
RBS has been a smoke screen for too long and Hester (while doing an Ok job of a v difficult task) is disingenuous when talking about paying his inv bankers less than the oppostion. Yet another smokescreen.
So RBS’ masters of the universe:
Take 37% of group risk-weight assets from which they make 26% of operating profits. Well done guys great effort!! Feel sorry for the guys in the less-glamorous but well performing parts of the bank. As usual this is BS coming out of GBM.
And the division makes a low 7.7% ROE, destroying shareholder (us) value yet again with a cost-income ratio at a ridiculous 73%. Sorry Stephen, your incompetents spend 73p in every £ earned and they generate a ROE of approx 300bp less than the cost of capital. FFS
To repeat, this is not capitalism its simple BS.