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  • project
    Free Member

    So we have bailed out a failed bank, they have in turn sacked a lot of staff, closed branches,and in the process made a huge loss, yet they stil pay the ones who seemingly failed, huge bonuses compared to what us mere mortals earn.

    Can somebody please explain how we the public roll over and let this happen.

    Free Member

    Because if we don’t they’ll all go and live abroad. Duh!

    Free Member

    It’s not right. No one cares or understands, and the ones that do care have now power or say in it. Frustrating! Go Capitalism!

    Free Member

    bin dun

    and your naive analysis dealt with. HTH project 😉

    Free Member

    Yeh makes me sick and to make it worse I’m going to help pay for their greed and negligence by having to work longer and pay more for my pension WTF!

    Let them all bog off and mess up some other economy.
    That would create some jobs here for the decent honest people willing to work hard for reasonable pay and conditions.

    The whole nation needs to stand up against this! There must be a way to make them more accountable for their actions.

    Free Member

    As if people who are good at managing international banks can be employed much more cheaply, and could have made RBS profitable within weeks?

    Some people should be banned from starting threads.

    Full Member

    bonuses are fine but the levels paid out?

    theres nothing naive about seeing the banking sector for what it is

    Free Member


    yet they stil pay the ones who seemingly failed

    “seemingly” is the pertinent, and naive, word here.

    See other thread for why.

    Free Member

    Zombies running the banks so shoot a few will do good to all.

    Free Member

    bang on spando. sorry if I am naive. Gimme a break stoner you don’t give a shit!

    Free Member

    The Daily Mail and subsequent mindset has a lot to answer for….

    Full Member

    Give them a percentage of the profit as a bonus. Until then basic pay package (Which would take me a dozen or so years to earn).

    Free Member

    This isn’t capatalism nor is it free-markets – its simple BS.

    RBS has been a smoke screen for too long and Hester (while doing an Ok job of a v difficult task) is disingenuous when talking about paying his inv bankers less than the oppostion. Yet another smokescreen.

    So RBS’ masters of the universe:

    Take 37% of group risk-weight assets from which they make 26% of operating profits. Well done guys great effort!! Feel sorry for the guys in the less-glamorous but well performing parts of the bank. As usual this is BS coming out of GBM.

    And the division makes a low 7.7% ROE, destroying shareholder (us) value yet again with a cost-income ratio at a ridiculous 73%. Sorry Stephen, your incompetents spend 73p in every £ earned and they generate a ROE of approx 300bp less than the cost of capital. FFS

    To repeat, this is not capitalism its simple BS.

    Free Member

    It would be nice if people realised there is a world of difference between the top bods in banking (who’s remuneration is not that far removed from other industries) and the City investment bankers (who may earn apparently obscene amounts of wonga, but sell their soul to do so, it’s not a life I’d ever consider), and average Joes who happen to work for a bank.

    The current witch hunt created by the media really benefits no-one.

    Free Member

    THM: and if you had a proper BV on that capital employed, instead of the fantasy that theyre still carrying?

    Free Member

    …or strip out the ludicrous £1.8bn +ve adjustment for FV of debt???

    Free Member

    then that ROE might just be rewardable eh? 😉

    Free Member

    You guys must really be missing the News of the World

    Full Member

    The witch hunt was inspired by our leaders to keep the people blaming the banks and keeping our leaders out of the dock. Its interesting how united the politicians make their flock feel after they have managed to focus the blame on a “common enemy” the banks. It all started with Mr Brown when questioned on the political expenses scandal, quickly turning the conversation to naughty bankers. The media were quick to oblige. The bankers were certainly not the only greedy boys. Just for one minute consider our whole country that was turned into a club of greedy property speculators, not only on a corporate level but an individual level too…but that’s just a small bit of the story!

    Full Member

    what do you do.. the bank owes as much as greece. how much would you pay someone to straighen it out.. we could just let it go bankrupt but then where would your granny go when she needs to dip into her savings.. who would ‘back’ your next mortgage, loan, credit card? the average aomunt held on deposit is 15k all of which would be lost and yes .. you’d have to pay it back to tens of millions in this country alone,
    its one big stock up dam’d if you do dam’d if you dont.. these rbs bankers could all easily get jobs elsewhere and the bank needs bright people to get it and us out of the hit

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore that’s a fascinating statistical breakdown but I need graphs. My brain is too simple. Need… pictures… to make .. sense.. I do like a good graph.

    Free Member

    yes THM v Stoner in graph off you know you both want to

    Free Member

    Kevevs – all the data is on http://www.rbs.com and the investor section. At the moment, you merely need to click on the top two picture esp the middle one. There is a lot to get through on there though!!

    Totalshell – I am not at all sure that the rbs bankers can easily get other jobs. Of course RBS needs bright people but supply > demand at the moment, so that doesn’t mean over-paying.

    JY – ernie’s your graph man, I have no idea how to load a picture on here, let alone a graph. I’m not sure whether I am agreeing or disagreeing with stoner!!! 😉

    Radioman – lots of truth in that. Very convenient for them all!!

    Free Member

    Radioman speaks sense.
    I don’t remember many people complaining when they thought they were £20k richer after a year of owning their house, having done absolutely zilch to add value, just going with the market.
    That money that people used to buy those houses came from the bankers, remember?
    But we’d rather not accept that we, as consumers, got as greedy as the politicians and the bankers.
    And to let the media and politicians manipulate us into blaming the bankers for everything makes us pretty damn naive IMO.
    The whole country got greedy. End of
    I mean, how can I, really, justify owning five bikes!

    Free Member

    Wait until LBG announce their bonuses this week after the losses they will report tomorrow. Me I rub my hands and look forward to a new bike

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore- there is no way I’m making my own graphs for this bullshit.
    some nice graphical pics right on here on this forum would spice it up though no? I mean, I wouldn’t trust anyones opinion in a corporate boreroom without a good graph with colours. I WANT GRAPHS. then I’ll make a very informed opinion.

    Full Member

    I am your obedient servant:

    Free Member

    Now LLOyds have anounced large bonuses, and they made a loss, and we own 41 or subsidise them to the tune of 41%.

    Life is crap, but not if you work at a bank, or even attend and screw the ecconomy, for us all.

    Free Member

    What about all the folk made redundant by banks?

    Free Member

    Now LLOyds have anounced large bonuses, and they made a loss, and we own 41 or subsidise them to the tune of 41%.

    Life is crap, but not if you work at a bank, or even attend and screw the ecconomy, for us all.

    When a doctor is asked to attend a ward full of patients who have been **** up by another doctor do you a) sack him because all doctors are evil, b) refuse to pay him because of all the people that he doesnt manage to save and die, or c) reward him for his hard work saving as many people as he could?

    and when you say ‘for us all’, what pro-active contribution have you made to stimulate the economy on behalf of everyone else, other than passively going to work, paying tax and spending the remainder on your relatively high standard of living?

    Free Member

    Life is crap, but not if you work at a bank

    Oi, stop mixing up ‘bankers’ with ‘people who happen to work for a bank’!


    What about all the folk made redundant by banks?

    And B) I work for a bank. The last few years pay rises have been a pretty low %age, way behind inflation. I got a bonus of a couple of thousand last year. First bonus for a long time.

    Free Member

    the doctor who messed up the treatment is still treating the patients.

    What he did is the same as the rest of us we paid for the bankers mess What have they done lent to small businesses as per the Merlin agreement?
    taken one for the team and curtailed their bonus culture in the face of huge losses?
    Nope they took our money and still rewarded themselves for still being rubbish at making money

    Are you really surprised folk are cross about this

    I am so bad at my job i have messed up the entire eonomy, cost you all a bundle of cash, some of you your jobs, some of you your homes but hey I still get my bonus right ?

    public sector here across the board wage freeze, mass redundancies, worse pension and no bonuses ever…yes i really feel for you and your industry…I wish we would just pay a higher price to help you all out

    Free Member

    What about all the folk made redundant by banks?

    And B) I work for a bank. The last few years pay rises have been a pretty low %age, way behind inflation. I got a bonus of a couple of thousand last year. First bonus for a long time.

    Awwwwww, your last few pay rises have been pretty low aye? And first bonus for a few years only a few thousand? Awwwwwww

    Free Member

    As the man at RBS pointed out yesterday

    1) All of the management team that cocked up have been fired.
    2) It wasn’t possible to replace them by saying “Come and work at RBS, take loads of shit and get a contract thats worth way less than you get now”.
    3) They have improved the situation of the bank exponentionally in the last year.
    4) The banks got into the crap by lending where they shouldn’t have, so in relation to small business lending do you really expect them to now make bad lending decisions just to meet some imaginaery criteria that keeps the voters happy or do you actually want them to avoid building up toxic debt again?

    Does that cover it?

    Free Member

    I enjoy working for a bank and I enjoy the rewards that come with it. I made this choice as my career, for those whom moan about it why not start looking for work in the banking sector. You too can benefit, but also high chance of redundancy (happenend to me twice). Get in there, fill your boots, enjoy your bonuses.

    Which bike for bonuses?

    Free Member

    Which bike for bonuses?

    mandatory bike for a banker is an On-One Humble Pie isn’t it?

    Free Member

    I was thinking ibis

    Free Member

    I was thinking ibis

    The least you can do is a bit of patriotic economy excitation, Orange, Pace, Cotic.

    In fact, all of you moaning about the state of the economy, what about the johnny foreigner bikes (that includes on-one’s made in china stuff)you ride. not so worried about the economy when you are buying imported stuff are you.

    Cotic here (dont mention the ibis)

    Free Member

    Hester came across very well on CH4 news last night IMO.

    Free Member

    Cotic here

    Made in Taiwan, aren’t they?

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