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  • Raspberry pi accessories/bling
  • boxelder
    Full Member

    Wife’s bought our 12 yr old a version 3 Pi (WiFi and Bluetooth), thinking it’s all that’s needed for birthday fun. What else does he need to make it do stuff?
    SD card and some downloaded software I’m guessing?
    Will it power from a micro USB phone charger?

    Free Member

    Needs a MicroSD card for the Pi 3. Doesn’t need to be too big, 8GB should be enough for the basic OS. But 16GB or 32GB are cheap enough anyway.
    For software, Raspbian is easy enough to download and install on the card.

    Screen – it has HDMI out, so you can plug it into any modern monitor, or TV. You will need an HDMI cable (Poundland usually sell them).

    Yes, it can be powered from a phone charger. Though worth getting a decent one, that provides enough current. The Pi could use up to 2A if you have a few accessories attached.

    Camera – depends on what you want to do. Most USB webcams will probably work.

    Full Member

    Keyboard and mouse (USB).


    The “Adventures in Raspberry Pi” one is the “official” one.

    Full Member

    Needs a MicroSD card for the Pi 3. Doesn’t need to be too big, 8GB should be enough for the basic OS. But 16GB or 32GB are cheap enough anyway.

    I’d get a couple of 8’s or 16’s rather than anything bigger, makes it trivial to change between builds.

    Full Member

    Doesn’t need to be too big, 8GB should be enough


    (OP: he doesn’t need this. But it is cool)

    Free Member

    Probably worth getting a case as well. Its not essential, but would protect it from poking fingers, or getting dropped etc. The official case is nice enough. Or you can get cases to stick Lego bricks on.

    Full Member

    Excellent so far, ta. Lego brick case sounds good. I’ve ordered a ‘robot’ control kit too, so he can design a vehicle body. Any more suggestions welcome.

    Can Pi3 not run Bluetooth keyboard and mouse?

    Full Member

    Can Pi3 not run Bluetooth keyboard and mouse?

    Good point – I don’t know (I’m on a Pi 2) – I imagine it can though.

    Full Member

    Go here[/url] and have a look around the shop (This place was recommended to me on here). It’s a really good shop.

    Depends what your lad wants to do really but I’d look at some stuff to plug into the GPIO pins – motors, LEDs, buttons, that kind of thing. Really easy to get going and flashy spinny things are always more fun than things happening on screen. Or I think so anyway.

    Full Member

    I have lots of Pis and run my weather station off one.

    You’ll probably want a tablet charger rather than a phone charger. More oomph.

    Get a book – the Dummies Guides are good.
    Thump (age 9) has lots of fun drawing patterns in Python and we’ve been playing around trying to make a wildlife camera.

    And download Kodi, install Exodus and you can watch every movie/TV programme ever.

    Full Member

    It’s a really good shop.

    It is isn’t it? 😀

    (My mate and his wife work there and it was founded by his mates – all proper geeks)

    Full Member

    I’d recommend getting the official power supply. I had a lot of frustrating issues using other supplies, including a direct connection from a USB power adapter in the wall and an iPad charger. Official one has worked great.

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