Home Forums Chat Forum Pst…. over here. Fancy buying a channel tunnel rail link?

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  • Pst…. over here. Fancy buying a channel tunnel rail link?
  • binners
    Full Member

    So Gordons selling off whats left of the family silver, to try and compensate for handing over the entire countries assets to a few guffawing bankers


    Anyone having a punt on something then? I reckon, given the governments previous records on sell-offs, I should be able to buy the Dartford tunnel for £2.37 then sell it on in 12 months time for 700 squillion pounds.

    Thats how it works isn't it?

    Free Member

    I'm going to buy the student loans business. My business plan is to start offering sex instead of interest for the hotties, and demanding twice the interest from munters to make the books balance.

    Free Member

    Scorched earth policy?

    Best bit is this:

    Ahead of the speech Lord Mandelson told BBC Radio 4's Today the sell-offs, which he said was an alternative to "savage" cuts planned by the Conservatives, could include local authority-owned airports.

    Er, yes, clearly the Manchester councils will be wanting to sell Manchester Airport Group. Is he proposing to compell them to do this?

    Free Member

    I would think that a bad place to be would be a gambling student planning to work in London and then getting a job that involves crossing a major river…….

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