Home Forums Bike Forum PSA OS digital mapping prices cut by 90% (and a question or 2)

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  • PSA OS digital mapping prices cut by 90% (and a question or 2)
  • bajsyckel
    Full Member

    I don’t know if this has been posted before, but the Ordnance Survey appear to be cutting the price of its 1:25000 digital mapping (for this month at least). Just thought some people might like to know- could be a good Christmas present idea. For example it looks like MemoryMap are now doing the whole of the UK at 1:25000 for £300, Anquet more or less the same, Satmap doing GB north for £190, mapyx doing the whole of the UK at 1:25000 for £125+vat, and so on. As far as I understand it, that’s way cheaper than previously available (?).

    So, what does this mean to a luddite like me? I don’t use a GPS or digital mapping much at the moment as I’ve been put off by the prices and I like paper maps. Which would appear to be the best deal for planning routes on the computer, and for use with a GPS unit out on the hill (navigation)? Are there any compatibility issues between GPS units and the various digital map providers? Are any better (or worse) for planning routes? And what differences between the commercial and freely available stuff (other than the scale)?

    Hope this is of use for someone, and if anyone can educate me on the differences that’d be great.

    Free Member

    This is great news in my book. Its going to mean getting hold of all sorts of maps (of the UK) will be cheaper and hopefully easier.

    I’ve been a long term user of mapyx, but in all honesty, not sure I would recommend it. Using it with OS maps is OK, but not what I would call great. And its open street map use is atrocious. Having said that, not really used many others to compare it to, so may not be any worse than others. Oh, actually, I’ve used the garmin ones, basecamp, pretty crap too!

    At some point I’m hoping someone comes up with a really user friendly mapping application.

    Free Member

    Also new to this.

    What is that Quo software and does it let you transfer map data to say a mobile phone etc?

    Free Member

    As you say, now very tempting – if it wasn’t that previous prices had led me into a method of getting 1:25k for free and I already have a large library 😉

    Full Member

    As you say, now very tempting – if it wasn’t that previous prices had led me into a method of getting 1:25k for free and I already have a large library 😉

    Of course I couldn’t possibly imagine what you are suggesting here. I should really have written “cheaper than previously available (legally)”.

    Like you andyl, I’ve not heard of anyone using the Quo software (though seems to be free to download so could be worth playing around with) and that’s the thing stopping me from putting it on my Christmas list. Anquet and Memorymap appear to be more widespread despite costing a lot more and, in my uneducated view, offering something pretty similar.

    Full Member

    I’ll just add that if you have OS mapping on a Garmin GPS, and plug that GPS into a PC, the Garmin Basecamp can access that mapping for the purposes of route planning etc. Might be worth considering if you think a GPS is in the offing anyway.

    Free Member

    Quo/mapyx doesn’t let you transfer map data to anything, but can be installed on 2 (i think) devices simultaneously. Not sure what devices are supported. You can download the fully functioning software, with a bit of demo map and have a play, so you can get a feel for it.

    I payed about £150 for the UK 1:50k and thought it was worth it, even though the s/w isn’t that great. Now, they have an offer on till end of Nov of £150 for whole UK 1:25k, don’t think I’ll be able to resist. Though still wish there was something better!

    Full Member

    So Urbanhiker, are you saying you can’t use the Quo mapping on a GPS unit (basically it’s for planning/ reviewing routes only)? Or that you can transfer the base maps to 2 units?

    Free Member

    I’m not sure what devices quo can be used on, I’ve only ever used it on a PC/laptop etc. And on that front you can have the maps on two PC’s etc.

    But fairly sure I can’t transfer maps onto my garmin, think they only support some unusual make. Willing to be corrected though. Their website should clear that up.

    The only thing you can transfer are things like .gpx etc.

    Full Member

    I don’t believe you can transfer maps between any different software vendors – this is down to the rights from OS. You can plan on one and transfer the route to a GPS but not the map

    Free Member

    Quo software can up / down load data to a GPS unit. Advantage of quo is you only buy the “tiles” you want. These are smaller than an os paper map, but when you add up the cost of a standard map the cost is similar.

    Quo lets you plan routes and then upload in gpx format or any other format (I use gpx).

    The manx 100 and legs of Mann events which I organise are all done on this software.

    Some of it is somewhat clunky but it works when you get your head into the logic !

    Full Member

    That. Which is why the way Garmin Basecamp uses the GPS’s maps is quite useful.

    Oh – and if you copy it onto a mountable drive (like a USB stick) you can access it from the PC without plugging the GPS in at all.

    Full OS 1:50K available for £22 here….

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