I don’t know if this has been posted before, but the Ordnance Survey appear to be cutting the price of its 1:25000 digital mapping (for this month at least). Just thought some people might like to know- could be a good Christmas present idea. For example it looks like MemoryMap are now doing the whole of the UK at 1:25000 for £300, Anquet more or less the same, Satmap doing GB north for £190, mapyx doing the whole of the UK at 1:25000 for £125+vat, and so on. As far as I understand it, that’s way cheaper than previously available (?).
So, what does this mean to a luddite like me? I don’t use a GPS or digital mapping much at the moment as I’ve been put off by the prices and I like paper maps. Which would appear to be the best deal for planning routes on the computer, and for use with a GPS unit out on the hill (navigation)? Are there any compatibility issues between GPS units and the various digital map providers? Are any better (or worse) for planning routes? And what differences between the commercial and freely available stuff (other than the scale)?
Hope this is of use for someone, and if anyone can educate me on the differences that’d be great.