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  • PSA M&S Insurance
  • Blazin-saddles
    Full Member

    Quick PSA…

    We just had our renewal through at £440, not that bad for the cover it provides but did an online quote again with M&S anyway just out of interest, came back at £315. cancelled old policy renewal and took the new one out but through Topcashback site and got £45.45 cash back too. Bargain!

    Free Member

    Not just M&S. Tesco renewal for buildings and contents £296. Two phone calls and a bit of haggling reduced this to £219. took about 10 minutes. If you accept a renewal premium without challenging it you’re nuts. Think of it as fee bike bits !

    Full Member

    Just check before you do that, I cancelled but couldn;t renew, they would maintain the cover for existing customers but couldn’t offer it to new ones – this was for non-office working at home.

    Free Member

    we were told by the representative from m&s when we called up to question our renewal quote to just cancel it and take a new policy as it would be cheaper. she said it would be loads easier than trying to get a renewal discount. so did the new quote through quidco and got 45 cash back too. bloody ridiculous.

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