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  • PSA: M62 avoid this Saturday
  • thisisnotaspoon
    Free Member

    I still reckon fuel is too cheep.

    I mean, the MG is costing me more in bits than it does in fuel this year for some reason (3 trouble free years previously).

    Engine was a sick puppy this morning so the 3 miles home could be entertaining, new dizzy cap, points, condenser, fuel and air filters and a bottle of carb cleaner will hopefully get the problem sorted. :S

    33.5mpg last weekend doing the run down to swanage and back, including some b-road sillyness and motorway cruising. By your reckoning the Mazda MX-5 (the midgets logical successor in the current marketplace) should do 380mpg (fuel economy doubling in 10 years) !!!!!!

    Free Member

    sorry… why should we tax it less?

    because there's less of it?

    quicker we use it all up – the quicker you can stop paying any tax at all on it. hows that?

    Free Member

    Waderider – Member
    Petrol needs to about double in price. That'll get folk off their fat arses. Whiney b*****ds.

    Certainly worked for Burma

    Free Member

    gotta say i agree. people managed in the old days. EVEN OLD PEOPLE!!!

    No, they just didn't go anywhere other than the local shop (which now rarely exist). Would you want to restrict your parents to sitting in the house unable to afford to go anywhere?

    Oil prices are going to keep going up regardless unless we find a huge new reserve but as it stands demand is increasing and supply isn't really.

    Actually I think in the UK the biggest cause of price rise is the weak pound. There is oil supply available, those controlling the oil are restricting it (not that the supplies are not running low etc).

    If you want a car accept how much it costs and live with it, it's a privilege.

    To an extent that's fine, but if there's no viable alternative it's not quite that simple.

    Free Member

    tracknicko how would your copy of STW mag get to you or how could you view the internet without any sort of fuel?…..

    Free Member

    gotta say i agree. people managed in the old days. EVEN OLD PEOPLE!!!

    No, they just didn't go anywhere other than the local shop (which now rarely exist). Would you want to restrict your parents to sitting in the house unable to afford to go anywhere?

    old people didnt go anywhere except the local shop and just sat in the house? and now what do they do? go cruising in the peak in their MG's cos they can afford fuel?

    what the **** are you on about?

    Free Member

    hora – i dont get magazines these days since the internet spoiled all of their 'exclusives' each month…

    and im not sure why my internet connection has to be fired by unleaded…

    Free Member

    Actually I think in the UK the biggest cause of price rise is the weak pound. There is oil supply available, those controlling the oil are restricting it (not that the supplies are not running low etc).

    Aye but as production/ extractioin reaches its maximum (now-fairly soon-fifty years-never depending on who you beleive) the price shoots up and the biggest bidder gets the prize and that seems to be China or the US, Oil has so many better uses than personal transport so this it what it will be used for, unless engines are made that are efficient enough to make it economically viable. The restricyion of the oil just means the price increase will be amplified.

    Free Member

    The current high price of fuel doesn't seem to be making any difference to the nobs in west London, they're all still driving their 3litre+ German/Japanese/Chinese/Indian status symbols at maximum attack. It would be nice though if they all did just sod off up to Manchester over the weekend to sit with the other nobs.

    Free Member

    Any new family car will do 55-65mpg

    Not any – some. But yes.

    And robdob – your Astra will get better as it wears in over 20k miles or so.. plus, I bet I could get more out of it. There are tricks that DO NOT involve driving really slowly. Well not tricks, but techniques. Or more accurately, you may be wasting fuel without knowing it 🙂

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