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  • PSA : Farage vs Brand on question time tonight …
  • mudshark
    Free Member

    Well if there are enough of them I suppose they can cover all the bases

    Free Member

    “Canterbury prison full of immigrants”?

    … once home to notorious London criminals Ronnie and Reggie Kray has been bought by Canterbury Christ Church University.


    Free Member

    Well I think it is entertaining. MPs got an 11% rise is that right? Where’s the pay restraint there?!

    Joe public was right about brand too.

    Free Member

    People exceed better at Grammar Schools


    Free Member

    That lady in purple is a bit slowwwwww … 😯

    Free Member

    Loved how quiet Brand was after he was told to stop preaching and stand. Ruined his night.

    Full Member

    Well I didn’t learn anything new from that at all!

    I think what Brand is trying to say is right but he was a little out of his comfort zone there. Restraint isn’t really his thing.

    Unfortunately I think Farage did the right thing and didn’t really say a lot, I still hate him and his politics though.

    Free Member

    There was the whole immigrant thing, then lady at the end turned it back onto the real problem:

    Since engineered crash of 2008 wealth has transferred from the masses to the few.

    Dimbleby makes an funny face and changes subject.


    Full Member

    Brand looked like a sulky teenager for most of the programme. Only person who came out looking good was the times journalist.

    Free Member

    Camilla Cavendish was excellent as she usually is on QT.

    Free Member

    Brand made a mistake of trying to tie bankers into immigration. Also, the lad that took him down about working classes being squeezed by immigrants, Brand didn’t have a response.

    It pains me to say it, but Farage did alright tonight, he can work a crowd very well.

    Free Member

    That wasn’t the car crash I thought it might be, well not from the panel, the audience was a bit spicy in places !

    I thought Brand was defeated pretty heavily on most of the things he tried to raise. He looked genuinely shocked when the people in the audience had a pop at him re working peoples wages being undermined and the fact he should stand for parliament.

    The lady from the Sunday Times (?) was excellent. Farage came out very well again, the fact is he is very polished and accomplished when he’s attacked on immigration, its playing to his strengths.

    One sided contest with regard to the headliners : Farage 5 Brand 1

    Free Member

    Did you have the volume turned down for the audience applause?

    Free Member

    JHJ Jambalaya is the only person on here whose views are more detached from reality and more at odds with the actual evidence and facts than you

    he would not recognise the truth if it walked up to him shook him by the hand explained it then gave him a picture and explained it again.

    Free Member

    jivehoneyjive – Member

    Did you have the volume turned down for the audience applause?

    Yes. I thought they were going to start throwing chairs … 😆

    Free Member

    jivehoneyjive – Member
    Since engineered crash of 2008 wealth has transferred from the masses to the few.

    Except it hasn’t – check the inequality stats. The opposite has happened

    ]Dimbleby makes an funny face and changes subject.

    Hardly a fix. Perhaps he is bored of people making the same mistake over and over again.

    Free Member

    In the end I turned in for an early life.

    I suspect I’m more politically aware for doing so.

    Full Member

    Quote of the night: “Ee’s a poundshop Enoch Powell and we’ve gotta watch ‘im”.
    Has anyone ever described farage so succinctly?

    Free Member

    I thought it was very disappointing. I’ve only recently started to be less apathetic about politics and thought watching QT might be enlightening.

    For example. The labour lady in grey (the one who complained about men speaking over women, then proceeded to talk over the men) started to make an interesting point about rather than restricting immigration, stop the explotation of foreign workers instead. But it got lost amongst the benign and safe responses.

    I gave up and went to bed

    Free Member

    If Brand REALLY wants to be taking seriously then he should stand.

    End of.

    Otherwise, he’s just a pontificating pr1ck.

    Free Member

    In the bits I watched Brand looked foolish and Farage seemed to come out of it well.

    Putting Farage up against that twunt is only helping UKIP.

    Full Member

    Nice of Dave to submit a Make Your Own Tory Doll. Pull is chord and listen to it repeat a series of well rehearsed cliches, straight out out of Tory central casting.

    And Labour to put forward Millie Tant. Who seemed more bothered about having a pop at Russ for being a serial shagger sexist, than entering into any debate about policy. SEXIST!!!

    Free Member

    If Brand REALLY wants to be taking seriously then he should stand.

    Is becoming a MP really the only way to be taken seriously and make a difference.
    I imagine there are quite a few NGOs (Amnesty, Oxfam etc) who might take issue with that.

    Free Member

    I’m sure Russell will take a break from campaigning if someone from Hollywood gets on the blower.

    He does seem to have an interest in all things illuminati. I wonder if he could rock a purple shell-suit?

    Free Member

    I imagine there are quite a few NGOs (Amnesty, Oxfam etc) who might take issue with that.

    Thats a fair & obvious point…….

    However, unless he throws his hat in the ring rather than just shouting a lot…..he just comes across as a rather poor form of champagne socialist I’m afraid.

    Free Member

    Brand wouldn’t want the pay cut – not that he’d get voted in or he’d think he had a chance. Maybe a way of getting more exposure though? Anyway, seems to me he’s just a critic with no useful ideas.

    Free Member

    It looked as though Brand went there with the intention of destroying Farage with some premeditated put downs. Farage went there with the intention of appearing reasonable and articulate and came out of it well.

    Regardless of Farage’s politics he has a stateliness (in the loosest possible sense) that his mainstream opponents lack.

    Free Member

    Brand wouldn’t want the pay cut.


    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member

    jivehoneyjive – Member
    Since engineered crash of 2008 wealth has transferred from the masses to the few.

    Except it hasn’t – check the inequality stats. The opposite has happened[/quote]

    Whilst JHJ might have ‘read’ the whole QT audience opinion thing wrong, his opint about equality is not wrong and is, in fact, a point being made by some of the wealthiest investors in the world, including Warren Buffett, Jim Grant to name just two: http://www.bloomberg.com/video/unprecedented-monetary-policy-fuels-inequality-pDRy5H43QSSxTTQyAMwn6g.html

    Think about it; even though base rates are at rock bottom, who can actually borrow anywhere near base? The few.

    Who can get ‘in on the ground’ for the major IPOs and make a killing (in and out at early so even if subsequently these shares nosedive they’re safe) in the process, leveraging with low-rate borrowing? The few.

    Brand is an idiot, but within his scattergun of nonsense, the point about mainstream politics being owned by business is not entirely wrong. Furthermore, the media is manipulated by both, as we all know.

    Those who continue to attempt to dismiss Farange, either by blatantly calling him racist or by obliquely referring to him as such – by comparison and so on – are really the lowest common denominators, the root cause of fringe parties who actually listen to public opinion.

    Free Member

    Did you have the volume turned down for the audience applause?

    Any applause he got was small in contrast to the jeering against.

    Since engineered crash of 2008 wealth has transferred from the masses to the few.

    I missed this (thanks tmh for quoting it). Another delusional conspiracy theory, “engineered” come one. The wealthly lost far more money in the financial crash than did the few, I mean its them who have the largest investment in financial assets like shares etc, in property. The wealthy now pay more tax on a relative and absolute basis than they did (top 1%| has gone from 25% to 30% of the total tax take). IMO the reason average earnings have not grown is that we have lost so many high paid jobs – 100,000 financial services jobs at what £100k average. That impacts the stats and the tax take. Brand himself quoted the £80bn (I think) in bankers bonuses since 2008, well that’s £50bn in taxes and NI paid to the government so if you take those away or reduce them that’s a lot less money for the government.

    Ee’s a poundshop Enoch Powell and we’ve gotta watch ‘im

    This is what Brand is good at, he is a stand up commedian so he can work on jokes and punch lines

    JY have you actually read the comments on here or the various press coverage this morning. The vast majority of it says Brand came over very poorly. We haven’t even started on his sexist language (he even apologized for that himself, something like “sorry about that, one of my weaknesses, I gotta work on that”) and shouting over the women panel members. Facts are on my side, again.

    Free Member

    Damn I missed this. So was Brand still just spouting the script from V for Vendetta so that people think he sounds like he has a clue?

    Free Member

    I didn’t see QT last night (I gave up on it a few years back as it’s generally pretty poor now) but I did notice that the only attention the BBC radio news seemed to be giving it this morning was the Brand “poundshot Enoch Powell” gag. If all you’d seen or heard of the debate was the BBC’s reporting of it then you’d think it was a clear win for Brand over Farage.

    Full Member

    Spotted this this morning,

    Free Member

    I watched, hoping that RB might land a blow on Farage that would stick. Maybe ‘Poundland Enoch Powell’ will but it wasn’t really what I’d hoped.

    And I reckon RB didn’t fare that well. The bloke that called for him to stand cut him down and after that he was largely subdued. Really all he had to do was state that you don’t have to be an MP to make a difference but he seemed completely unsure how to deal with it.

    Free Member

    Saw this story slipped quietly onto the BBC website yesterday:

    Citizenship checks missed criminal records, report finds

    People fleeing criminals, warlords and the third world in general can come to the UK to start a new life. Good.

    Criminals, warlords and people who want to create a third-world enclave of the welfare state can come too. Not good.

    Nearly twenty years without objective debate or ‘adult supervision’ has created this nonsense.

    Full Member

    Really all he had to do was state that you don’t have to be an MP to make a difference but he seemed completely unsure how to deal with it.

    Seemed to me that, probably due to his hopeless messiah complex, he only really really recognises people in two categories. The forces of evil/the establishment who he’s on his valiant crusade against. And the fawning sycophants he surrounds himself with. I doubt its even crossed his mind, until last night, that not everyone regards him as the saviour of democracy. Clearly he’s uncomfortable with the concept of putting his money where his mouth is.

    Full Member

    TBH one of Brand’s big weaknesses is he doesn’t see things coming. Like, “You should run for parliament” is pretty ridiculous, and easy to deflect but he got caught out- maybe because it’s ridiculous? Same as with the rent thing the other week, an absurd attack but a pretty predictable one. Just because it’s a daft nonsequitor doesn’t mean you don’t have to be ready to deflect it, because the way things are, people will applaud a daft nonsequitor as long as it seems to hit the mark.

    Free Member

    Farage vs Brand on question time tonight

    Who and who? Who keeps this attention whores going?

    Full Member

    By far the biggest thing to come out of last nights QT was the ‘pound shop Enoch Powell’ jibe

    Brand obviously has summed up farige very well and its a moniker that’ll stick with him I reckon

    Everything else was the usual QT nonsense

    Check out @Trumpton_UKIP’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/Trumpton_UKIP/status/543197558202699776?s=09

    Free Member

    For the doubters regarding how the financial crash was engineered, an Oscar winning documentary:

    And a couple of more recent articles:

    ’Bankers bonuses rise twice as fast as the rest of the workforce

    ’Billionaires double since financial crisis’[/url]

    It’s a harsh truth and not easy to comprehend how some buggers can be so greedy, turfing people out of their homes and increasing pressure on the majority of folk, but it is the way of things.

    Apathy and denial isn’t going to change that…

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